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[스크랩] 왕초보 필수 단어 62 숙어 의미 동의어 예문 get over 회복하다, 극복하다. recover from, overcome, tide over He finally got over his illness. get rid of 제거하다. eliminate, become free of It is not easy to get rid of a bad habit. get the better of get the worse of it 이기다. 지다, 혼나다. defeated be defeated I got the better of him in the race. get through 끝마치다. finish Try to get.. 더보기
[스크랩] 왕초보 필수 단어 63 숙어 의미 동의어 예문 give oneself to 몰두하다. devote oneself to He decided to give himself to the study of physics. give out (힘이) 다하다, 배부하다. wear out, distribute After a long swim his strength gave out. give over 넘겨주다, 그만두다. hand over They gave him over to the police. give rise to 일으키다. cause The same causes always give rise to the same e.. 더보기
[스크랩] 왕초보 필수 단어 64 숙어 의미 동의어 예문 go for nothing 아무 소용도 없다. come to naught All my trouble went for nothing. go off 폭발하다, 갑자기 떠나다. explode, leave suddenly The firecracker went off with a bang. go on 계속하다. continue She went on in bad habits. go over 반복하다, 검사하다. repeat, examine Let's go over this lesson again. go through (고통을) 겪다, .. 더보기
[스크랩] 왕초보 필수 단어 65 숙어 의미 동의어 예문 have a mind to ~하고 싶다. feel inclined to We all have a mind to do something for others. have nothing to do with ~와 관계가 없다. have no dealings with I advise you to have nothing to do with that man. have done with ~을 끝내다. finish, have no connection with When you have done with the work, please help us. have (get) one's own way 마음.. 더보기
[스크랩] 왕초보 필수 단어 66 숙어 의미 동의어 예문 hold on 기다리다, 붙잡다, 계속하다. wait, grasp, continue He told me to hold on for a while. hold out 내밀다, 저항하다. offer, resist He held out his hand. hold up 지지하다, 강탈하다 support, rob I will hold up your rights. ill at easy 불안한 uncomfortable The thief was ill at easy when he saw policemen approaching. in the little while.. 더보기
[스크랩] 왕초보 필수 단어 67 숙어 의미 동의어 예문 in behalf of ~을 위하여 in the interest of He has done his best in behalf of his company. on behalf of ~을 대표하여 as the representative of On behalf of the company, I welcome you. in case of ~의 경우에 in the event of In case of fire, ring the alarm bell. in company with ~와 함께 together with He came in company with a group of boys. in c.. 더보기
[스크랩] 왕초보 필수 단어 68 숙어 의미 동의어 예문 in line with ~과 일치하여 in agreement with That is in line with family tradition. in need 빈곤한, 곤경에 처해 있는 in poverty, in misfortune He helped me in my hour of need. in no time 즉시 very quickly He was ready in no time. in particular 특히 especially I remember one of them in particular. in place of, in one's place ~대신에 instead.. 더보기
[스크랩] 왕초보 필수 단어 69 숙어 의미 동의어 예문 in (or with) relation to ~에 관련하여 in (with) reference to You must see the part in relation to the whole. in response to ~에 응하여 in answer to I act in response to duty's call. in return for ~의 보답으로 as repayment for I gave him a camera in return for his present. in search of ~을 찾아서 searching for He went up to town in search .. 더보기