labor of love : something done for personal pleasure and not for money
A. Do you work on cars for the money(돈 벌기 위해 차 고치는 일을 하는거야?)
B. No, it's a labour of love.(아니 그냥 일이 좋아서 하는거야)
lady`s man : a man who is popular with women
A, That guy is really popular with women.(저 남자는 여자들에게 인기 만점이야)
B. Yeah, he's a real ladies' man.(어 그래 여자들한테 가장 인기가 있어)
laid up : be confined to bed or unfit for work
A. Are you coming to work today?(오늘 일하러 오는거야?)
B. I can't I'm too sick. I'm afraid I'm laid up.(너무 아파서 안되. 오늘은 정말 일할 컨디션이 아니야)
lame duck : public official who has a short time left to serve in office and therefore has less power than before
A. That politician will be out of office soon. The people are focused on the next election.(그 정치가는 이제 그만 두게 될거야. 사람들은 다음 선거 후보에 집중하고 있어)
B, Yeah, he's a lame duck.(그래, 그는 이제 더 이상 권력이 없어)
land on one`s feet : come out of a bad situation successfully
A, He always gets out of bad situations with relative ease.(그는 항상 어려운 환경을 자연스럽게 헤쳐 나가)
B. Yes, he always seems to land on his feet.(그래 그는 항상 곤경을 헤티고 잘도 빠져 나오지)
lap up : eat or drink with the tongue
A. That cat really likes that milk.(저 고양이는 우유를 정말 좋아해)
B. Yeah, he's really lapping it up.(그래, 다 핥아 먹는데?)
lap up : take in eagerly
A. He sure is accepting alot of new clients at his business.(이 사업을 위해 많은 고객들을 끌어드리는데?)
B. Yes, he's really lapping them up,(정말 갈망하고 있는 듯이 보여)
lash out : try suddenly to hit someone
A. So he tried to hit him for no apparent reason?(그래서 그는 아무런 이유 없이 그 사람을 때렸어?)
B. Yeah, he just lashed out at him.(어, 갑자기 그를 마구 때리는거 있지)
last but not least : in the last place but not the least import!ant
A. Who's invited to your dinner party?(네 파티에 누구 누구 초대 했어?)
B. Scott, Tony, Tanya, and--last but not least--Jennifer.(스콧,토니,그리고 마지막이지만 소중한 으로 타냐)
last straw : the last insult or mistake that one can endure and which then causes some reaction
A. What will you do if she asks for more money.(그녀가 돈을 더 요구 하면 어떻게 할거야?)
B. If she asks again it'll be the last straw. I'll break up with her,(또 물어보면 이게 마지막이라고 못 박아 버릴 꺼야. 그녀랑 헤어지고 말거야)
last word : the last remark in an argument, the final say in deciding something
A, Why does he always have o have the fInal say in deciding something?(왜 뭔가를 결정 할 때, 항상 마지막으로 할말을해?)
B, I don't know. He just likes to have the last word, I guess.(몰라, 그는 항상 마지막으로 얘기하는걸 좋아하나봐)
laugh off : not take seriously
A. How do you cope with your wife's constant verbal abuse?(그녀의 발버릇을 어떻게 당해내?)
B.I just laugh it off and did not to take it seriously.(그냥 웃어 버리지, 심각하게 생각 안하거든)
(not) lay a finger on someone : not touch someone, not bother to do something (not even a little)
A. Please do not flirt with my girlfriend while I'm in the bathroom.(내가 화장실에 있는동안 내 여자친구 놀리지마)
B, Don't worry, I won't lay a finger on her.(걱정마, 손까딱 안할께)
lay an egg : fail to win the interest or favor of an audience
A. That comedian didn't receive on laugh from the audience.(그 코미디언은 관중들로부터 웃음을 자아내지 못했어)
B. Yeah, he really laid an egg.(어 정말 그는 인기를 잃었나봐)
lay away : save
A. What are you going to do with your excess profits?(네가 번돈 다 어쩔꺼야?)
B. I'm going to lay them away in an offshore account.(내 해외 통장에 다 넣어 둘꺼야)
layaway plan : a plan in which one pays some money down and then pays the rest little by little and the store holds the article until the full price has been paid
A. Are you going to pay cash for that new car?(저 새차 현금으로 살거야?)
B. No, I'm going to buy it on a layaway plan. I'll pay some now, and then make monthly payments for the next 5 years,(아니 할부로 살거야. 지금 조금 내구 한달마다 조금씩 조금씩 낼거야)
lay down the law : tell someone what to do using your power or influence
A. How do you keep your kids from misbehaving?(어떻게 애들이 말썽 안피우게 해?)
B. I let them know the consequences of their actions. I lay down the law.(그들의 행동에 대한 결과를 말해주지. 그리고 어떻게 하라고 잘가르치지)
lay eyes on : see
A. When did you first lay eyes on Korea?(한국에 대해 어떻게 알 게 되었어)
B. I first saw Korea when I was 25.(나는 25세때 한국을 처음 알 게 되었어)
lay hands on something : get hold of or find something
A, Do you think you'll be able to get your hands on some money(우리 돈좀 벌 수 있을까?)
B. Yeah, I get paid today.(어, 오늘 월급 받는 날이야)
lay hands on someone : do violence to, harm, hurt
A. Don't say anything, or I'll punch you in the mouth.(아무말도 하지마, 또 한마디 하면 편치 한 대 먹을줄알아)
B. If you lay your hands ·on me, I'll scream for the police!(내 몸에 손대면, 경찰을 부를꺼야)
lay hold of : get possession of
A. Will you be able to lay hold on some money for tonight.(오늘 밤 돈좀 벌 수 있을까?)
B, I doubt it. I'm broke right now,(글세, 지금 난 돈이 하나도 없어)
lay in : store up a supply of something, get and keep for future use
A. So you're really laying in those snowshovels for the winter, eh?(이번 겨울엔 그 눈삽 다 창고에 보관할거라면서?)
B. Yeah, I'll be selling them, I'm sure.(어 그래, 다 팔거야. 그럼...)
lay (light) into : attack physically, do (eat) something with energy
A. Tyson really laid into Holyfield during last night's fight.(어젯밤 권투시합에서 타이슨이 홀리필드를 때려 눕혔어)
B. Yeah, he beat him senseless.(어 그래, 인정사정 없이 패 버렸지)
lay (light) into : attack with words
A. She was really screaming at you when you showed up late tonight. (오늘밤 네가 늦게 들어오자 소리를 꽥꽥 지르더라)
B. Yes, she really laid into me.(어 그래 나한테 욕을 퍼부었지)
lay it on the line : say plainly so that there can be no doubt, tell truthfully
A. Were you honest with him about the plan?(그 계획에 대해 짐심이었어?)
B.Yes,I laid it on the line,(그래, 솔직히 말해 버렸지)
lay it on thick : praise someone too much
A. That new guy really tries to flatter the boss too much.(그 새로운 신입 사원 말이야. 사장님한테 너무 아첨 하는 것 같아)
B. Yeah, he lays it on thick.(그래 너무 잘보이려고만 하는 것 같아)
lay low : hide, keep out of sight for awhile
A. You had bettor lay low for awhile. The Police are looking for you.(당분간 조용히 있어야할 것 같다. 경찰이 널 수배하고 있어)
B. Yes, I'm going to hide at my brother's house.(그래. 우리 형 집에 몸을 숨기고 있을거야)
lay off (someone) : get rid of workers when business is bad
A. Business is really slow right now.(사업이 정말 진행 안되네)
B. Yes, I'm scared that my boss may try to reduce staff by laying some of us off,(난 사장님이 우리 ?명을 해고 하면서 인원을 줄이게 될까봐 그게 두려워)
lay off : stop bothering, leave alone
A. Do you want me to stop bothering you?(널 그만 괴롭힐까?)
B. Yes, could you please lay off until my work is done?(그래, 내 일이 끝날 때까지 좀 그만 괴롭힐래?)
lay off : stop using or taking (drugs/cigarettes)
A. Have you managed to lay off the drinking?(술 끊어 본적 있어?)
B. Yes, I haven't had a drink for weeks,(그래 몇주 동안 술을 계속 안마셨어)
lay one`s cards on the table : let someone know one`s position and feelings openly, deal honestly about something
A. So you told her the truth about your feelings?(그래서 네 감정을 그녀에게 얘기 해줬어?
B. Yes, I laid my cards on the table.(그래 내 감정을 솔직히 털어 놓았지)
lay out : spend or pay some money
A. So you had to pay your bills today?(그래서 오늘 청구서가 와서 돈을 냈다구?)
B. Yes, I had o lay out a large sum of money.(그래 아주 많은 돈을 내야했지)
lay out : plan something
A. What is the mayor going to do about the water shortage?(시장은 물이 부족항데 대해 어떻게 해결 할거래?)
B. I imagine he is going to lay out a Plan to fix the probelem,(그는 무슨 해결책을 들고 나올고라는 예상을해)
lay over : arrive in one place and wait some time before continuing a journey
A. So you had a lay over at the Detroit airport?(그래서 디트로이트에 있는 공황에서 잠시 머무르기로 했어?)
B. Yeah, I had to wait there for hours before my connecting flight arrived.(어, 갈아타는 비행기가 올 때까지 몇시간 더 기다려야해)
lay to rest : get rid of, put away permanently, stop
A. So you've stopped thinking about your ex-wife's death?(그래서 전 부인의 죽음에 대해 모두 잊어 먹은거야?)
B. Yes, I've laid my memories of her to rest.(그래, 이제 더 이상 생각 안하기로 했어)
lay up : take out of active service, put in a boat dock or a garage
A. So your car is laid up?(그래서 이제 네 차 차고에 넣어둘거야?)
B. Yes, it's parted in the garage right now.(그래, 지금 차고에 세워 두었어)
lay up : collect a supply of something, save for future use, store
A. So you're going to lay up on gasoline?(그래서 이제 휘발류를 아낄려고?)
B. Yes, Prices are gong to increase during the summer months.(그래 여름 내내 휘발유 값이 오를꺼래)
lay waste : destroy and leave in ruins, wreck
A. The tornado really laid waste to our community.(그 폭풍이 우리 마을을 완전히 묵사발로 만들었어)
B. Yes, most of our buildings are destroyed.(그래 건물들도 거의 다 무너져 내렸어)
lead a dog`s life : live a hard life, work hard and be treated unkindly
A. He has worked extremely hard his entire life.(그는 평생 동안 아주 열심히 일했어)
B, Yes, he's led a dog's life,(그래 그는 힘겨운 인생을 살았지)
lead a merry chase : delay or escape capture by someone, make a person work hard
A. That prisoner escaped, and had security chase him for weeks,(그 죄수 감옥에서 탈출 했어, 그래서 감옥을 지키는 경비들이 몇주 동안 그를 쫏고 있어)
B. Yes, he really led a merry chase.(그래서 아주 열심히 따라 다니게 하고 있지)
lead by the nose : have full control of, make or persuade someone to do anything you want
A. She can get him to do anything she wants.(그녀는 그가 무슨 일이든 하게 할 수 있어)
B. Yeah, she really leads him by the nose.(그래 그녀는 그를 꼼짝 못하게 하고 있지)
lead off : begin, start, open
A. How would you like to begin tomorrow's meeting(내일 아침 회의 어떻게 시작 할까?)
B. I would like to lead off with a joke.(우선 가벼운 말로 기분을 풀어야 겠지)
lead on : insincerely encourage
A. Do you think she likes me?(그녀가 날 좋아하는 것 같아?)
B. Ho. I think she's leading you on.(오, 그녀가 널 좋아하게 만드는 것 같은데?)
lead the way : go before and show how to go somewhere, guide
A. I don't feel confortable being at the front of the group when we climb that Mountain.(우리 등산 할 때 내가 맨앞에 가는게 너무 불편해)
B. Ok, I'll lead the way.(알았어, 내가 앞에 가지뭐)
lean on : pressure someone by blackmailing or threats of physical violence to make the person comply with a request
A. So your boss is leaning on you?(그래서 사장님이 너에게 압력을 넣고 있는거니?)
B. Yes, he says that if I don't work overtime and extra days, he will fire me.(그래, 야근 하지 않으면 날 짤라 버리겠대)
learn the ropes : learn how to do a job
A. That new guy at work doesn't know what he's doing.(그 신입 사원은 자기가 뭘 해야 될지 몰라)
B. Well, he'll learn the ropes after a couple of months.(몇 달 지나면 적응 하게 되겠지)
leave a bad taste in one`s mouth : leave a bad impression, make one feel disgusted
A. So you didn't get a good feeling about your business partner's associate?(그래서 네 사업 파트너와 제휴한 회사에 대해 별로 좋은 감정이 없어?)
B. No, he left a bad taste in my mouth.(그는 나에게 밉보였어)
leave alone : don`t disturb someone
A. Please leave me alone. I'm trying to think.(날 좀 가만히 나둬줘. 생각 좀 하게)
B. Sorry, I'll give you some privacy.(미안해, 혼자 있게 놔둘께)
leave behind : leave something somewhere
A. Where's your little brother?(네 동생 어디 있어?)
B. We went to the park, but he was annoying me so I left him behind and came home,(공원으로 다시 돌아 갔어, 근데 날 못본척 하길래 그냥 내 버려두고 집에 왔어)
leave hanging (in the air) : leave undecided or unsettled
A. Have you decided where you will go for your honeymoon?(신혼 여행 어디로 갈지 정했어?)
B. No, we've left that matter hanging in the air for the time being,(아니 그 문제는 우선 뒤로 밀어 놓기로 했어)
leave (someone) holding the bag : leave someone else to take the blame
A. So you fled the scene when the police arrived?(그래서 경찰이 와서 도망 갔어?)
B. Yeah, I left my partner holding the bag and ran.(그래, 내 파트너에게 가방을 준다음 마로 죽어라 하고 뛰었지)
leave in the lurch : desert or leave alone and in trouble, refuse to help or support someone
A. I refused to help my brother when he was in trouble. I left him in the lunch(형에게 어려움이 닥쳤을 때 안 도와 줬어. 그때 그를 떠났지)
B. Well, considering what he did, I think he deserved it.(그가 그렇게 한거에 비하면 그래도 싸다고 생각해)
leave no stone unturned : try in every way, do everything possible
A. Please be very thorough with the investigation. Leave no stone unturned.(수사를 철저히 합시다. 모든 수단을 다 써 봅시다)
B. Yes, we will look everywhere for answers, sir.(그러죠. 해답을 얻을 때 까지 모든곳을 다 뒤져 보죠)
leave out : omit
A. This section of the form is blank. Why?(이 난은 왜 비어 있지?)
B. We left that section out because we could not locate the necessary information, sir.(알낮은 정보를 찾을 수 없기 때문에 그 난은 남겨 둔겁니다.)
leave (let) well enough alone : be satisfied with something that is good enough
A. So you're satisfied with your salary at work? You aren't going to ask for a raise?(그래서 지금 네 월급에 만족해? 월급 올려달라고 얘기 안할거야?)
B. No, I'm going to leave well enough alone.(어, 지금은 우선 만족 하고 있어)
left-handed compliment : an ambiguous compliment interpreted as offensive
A. Why were you offended when he complimented you?(널 칭찬 했는데 왜 기분 상해 했어?)
B. Because it was a left-handed compliment. I thought he was insulting me!(기분 상하게 하는 칭찬이었거든. 날 모욕할려고 하는줄 알았어!)
leg man : someone who performs messenger services, an errand boy
A. So you work as the leg man for your company?(그래서 넌 지금 네 회사에서 거의 심부름꾼에 가까워?
B. Yes, I perform all of the errands and messenger services.(어, 난 잠심부름 및 여러 가지 소식 전하는 일을 해)
leg to stand on : a firm foundation of facts, facts to support one`s claims
A. Se he will be convicted of the offence, no matter what?(그래서 그는 어떻게 됐든 유죄 판결을 받게 되는거야?)
B. Yes, he has no evidence to Support him. He doesn't have a leg to stand on.(어, 그의 행동을 증명 할 만한 게 없어. 그는 그를 증명해줄 알리바이가 없어)
leg work : physical work
A. Do you distribute these products to your customers personally?(당신의 회사는 이 제품들을 고객들에게 직접 배달합니까?
B. Of course not. We hire people to do our leg work.(물론 아니죠. 우린 배달부를 고용해서 그들을 시켜 먹죠)
let alone : certainly not
A. So you've given up drinking. Does that mean you won't have a beer with me tonight?(그래서 이제 술 끊은거야? 그럼 오늘 나랑 술 안마실거야?)
B. I'm not going to drink beer tonight, let alone any other form of alcohol.(오늘 밤 나는 그 어떤 술도 안 마실거야)
let bygones be bygones : forget about problems that happened in the past
A. I can't stop thinking about how she betrayed my trust. I can't forgive her.(그녀는 왜 나의 믿음을 져 버렸는지 이해가 안되. 그녀를 용서 할 수 없어)
B. You should forgive her. Forget about what happened. Let bygones be bygones.(그녀를 용서해. 그녀와 있었던 안 좋은일 잊어 버려. 지나간 일은 모두 잊어 버려.)
let down : fail to do as well as expected, disappoint
A. Are you disappointed with me for being late again?(내가 늦어서 또 화났어?)
B. Yes, you really let me down.(그래 너한테 정말 실망이야)
let down easy : refuse or say no to someone in a pleasant way
A. When I break up with my girlfriend, I want to do so in a nice way.(내 여자 친구랑 헤어질땐 정말 좋게 헤어질거야)
B. Yes, you should let her down easy.(그래 좋게 헤어지는게 좋을거야)
let down one`s hair : relax, act freely and naturally
A. I'm really going to let my hair down at the party tonight.(오늘 밤 파티때 정말 망가질거야)
B. Yes, you should have a good time and be yourself.(오늘 기분 좋게 놀아)
let (something) go : pay no attention to, neglect
A.I can't stop thinking about what happened last night,(어제 있었던 일이 자꾸 떠 올라)
B. You should forget about it Let it go.(그냥 잊어 버려)
let go : allow something to pass, do nothing about something
A. What happened to the new employee?(그 신입 사원 어떻게 됐어?)
B. I had to let him go. He wasn't doing his job properly, He's fired.(그 사람 해고 했어. 일을 제대로 안하잖아. 그는 짤렸어)
let go of : release
A. Why did you fall down that cliff?(저 낭떠러지에서 왜 떨어졌어?)
B. My partner let go of the rope, and I had nothing to hold on to, so I fell.(내 파트너가 밧줄을 놓는 바람에 붙들 게 없어서 그만 떨어져 버렸지)
let grass grow under one`s feet : be idle, be lazy, waste time
A. That guy is letting grass grow under his feet.(저 사람은 정말 게으르다)
B. I khow. He's so lazy.(알아, 정말 게으르네)
let (someone) have it : hit someone hard
A. He really punched that guy hard.(그는 저 남자 정말 쎄게 한 대 때렸어)
B. Yeah, he really let him have it.(그래 정말 쎄게 때리더라)
let it all hang out : not to disguise anything, let the truth be known
A. I'm sick of hiding this information. At tomorrow's meeting, I'm going to let it all hang out.(이 정보를 숨기는데 정말 질력이나. 내일 회의땐 다 불어 버릴거야.)
B. Are you sure that's a good idea? You may lose our new business deal if you tell then(그게 정말 좋은 아이디어라고 생각해? 우리 신종 사업을 망쳐 버릴지도 몰라)
let it lay : forget it, leave it alone
A. I can't strop thinking about my problem at work.(내 회사일이 자꾸 생각나네)
B. You should forget about it. Let it lay.(잊어벼려. 그냥 내버려둬)
let it rip : become involved and make the most of something, really try to win
A. Wow. He's really running hard. Look at how fast he's going!(와! 정말 빠르게 달리네. 달리는 것 좀 봐!)
B. Yeah, he's really letting it rip.(그래, 정말 이길려고 기를 쓰는구나0
let loose : set free, give up one`s hold on something, release something being held
A. You really let loose last night.(어제 정말 망가졌었어)
B. Yeah, I was having a really great time.(그래, 정말 재미있는 시간을 보냈어)
let (someone) know : tell, inform
A. Are you going to let your wife know about our plan?(우리 계획에 대해 와이프한테 얘기할거야?)
B. No, I'm not going to tell her anything.(아니 아무 얘기도 안할거야)
let off : discharge (a gun), explode
A. What was that bang last night?(어젯밤에 그 쾅하는 소리가 뭐였지?)
B. Oh, I was cleaning my gun and I accidentally let it off.(아 어제 내 총을 손질하다가 실수로 쏴버렸어)
let off steam : get rid of your extra energy or strong feelings by doing some activity
A. Why do you exercise so regularly?(왜 그렇게 운동을 열심히해?)
B. I exercise to get rid of extra stress and energy. I exercise to let off steam.(스트레스를 풀기위해 해, 열받을 때도 하지)
let (someone) off the hook : excuse someone from a penalty or promise
A. Are you going to forgive him for his mistake?(그의 실수를 용서 할거야?)
B. No, I'm not going to let him off the hook that easily.(아니, 그렇게 쉽게 봐주진 않을거야)
let on : reveal, inform
A. Did you let on that you know about the secret proposal?(그 비밀 제안에 대해 말해 버렸어?)
B. No. They don't think I know. I kept a straight face.(아니. 내가 알고 있는줄 몰라. 포카 페이스 얼굴을 했지)
let on : try to make people believe something, pretend
A. How did you get into the club without an invitation.(초대장 없이 나이트에 어떻게 들어 왔어?)
B. I let on that I was invited. I pretended.(초대 받았다고 우겼지. 그냥 초대 받은 척 했어.)
let out : allow to go out or escape
A. Why did they let him out of prison?(그 사람 왜 풀어 줬어?)
B. Because he had served his time and was a free man.(군대에 있었고 또 자유인이기 때문에 풀려났어)
let out : allow to be known, tell
A. Did you let our secret out to anyone?(우리 비밀에 대해 사람들에게 얘기했어?)
B. No, I haven't told anyone.(아니, 아무에게도 얘기 안했어)
let out : make longer or looser (clothes), allow a rope to slip out little by little
A. This dress is too tight.(이 치마는 너무 꽉 끼어)
B. Maybe you should take it to a seamstress and have it let out so it's more comfortable?.(수선하는데 가져가서 좀 늘려 달라고 해)
let out : dismiss or be dismissed (from class or practice etc.)
A. Where are your students?(당신의 학생들은 어디 있소?)
B. Oh, I let them out early today, they went home for the weekend.(아, 그냥 오늘 일찍 보냈어요 내일이 주말이잖소),
let (something) ride : continue without changing a situation
A. Are you going to change your plan for the weekend? It looks like it might rain.(주말 계획 바꿀꺼야? 비 올 것 같은데?)
B. No, I'm going to let it ride. It might be sunny.(아니. 그냥 이대로 나갈꺼야. 해가 나올지 어떻게 알아)
let sleeping dogs lie : don`t make trouble if you don`t have to
A. I'm going to confront him about the situation.(난 그 상황에대해 그에게 따질거야)
B, Why cause trouble? Let steeping dogs lie.(왜 문제를 일으켜? 왠만하면 그냥 놔둬)
let the cat out of the bag : reveal a secret
A. Did you tell her about our secret plan?(우리 비밀 계획에대해 얘기 해 줬어?)
B. It was an accident. Sorry, I let the cat out of the bag,(실수였어. 미안해, 내가 불어 버렸어)
let the chips fall where they may : don`t worry about the results of your actions
A. I'm afraid that my actions may cause problems in the company.(내가 한 일이 회사에 악영향을 끼칠까 두려워)
B. You tried your hardest. Be happy with whatever happens. Let the chips Fall where they may.(넌 최선을 다했어. 무슨 일이 있든 간에 행복해 해.그 일에 대한 결과에 대해 너무 신경 쓰지 마)
let up : become less or weaker, become slower or stop
A. Do you think the rain will let up?(비가 좀 그칠 기미가 보여?)
B. I don't think so. The weatherman said it will rain all weekend.(안 그칠 것 같은데. 일기 예보에서 주말 내내 비온다고 했어)
let up : do less or go slower or stop, stop working too hard
A. Are you getting tired? We're almost there.(힘들어? 거의 다 왔어)
B. Sorry, I can't continue. I'm going to have to let up for a few minutes and rest.(미안해, 더 이상 못 가겠다. 몇분 동안 쉬었다가 가야겠다. 숨좀 돌리고)
lie in state : after death a famous person lies in a state of honor (in an open coffin) so the public can see their body
A. What happened to that famous actor?(그 유명한 배우 어떻게 됐어?)
B. He died. He's Iying in state downtown so everyone can have a look at him.(그는 죽었어. 그는 시내 한복판에 누워 있으니 모든 사람들이 볼 수 있을거야)
lie in wait : watch from hiding in order to attack or surprise someone
A. How were you attacked?(
B. Some thieves were tying in wait for me in the park. They jumped on me as I walked by.
lie low : stay quietly out of sight, try not to attract attention
A. The police are after me. I need to hide and keep quiet for awhile so nobody knows where I am.(경찰이 날 뒤쫏고 있어. 누구도 날 찾을 수 없도록 조용히 지내야 겠어)
B. Yes, you'd better lie low.(그래 종용히 지내는게 좋겠다)
life of Riley : a soft easy life, pleasant way of living
A. He's really living an easy life. He doesn't even work.(그는 정말 편한 생활을 해)
B. Yeah, he's living the life of Riley.(그는 정말 편한 생활을 하고 있어)
lift a finger (hand) : do something, do one`s share, help
A. He's so lathy. He doesn't do anything to help out around here.(그는 정말 게으르다. 정말 도움이 안되는 사람이야)
B. Yeah, he never lifts a finger to help anyone.(그는 손 하나 까딱하지 않을려고해)
light up : suddenly look pleased and happy
A. She was sure happy when I told her the news.(내가 그 소식을 전 했을 때 그녀는 정말 기뻐했어 했어)
B. Yeah, her whole face lit up with delight.(어, 그녀의 얼굴이 한순간에 밝아 졌어)
like father, like son : a son usually acts like his father
A. His son acts exactly like him(그의 아들은 아버지를 많이 닮았어)
B. Well, you know what they say: like father, like son.(그런 말이 있잖아, 아들은 아버지를 닮는다고)
like a ton of bricks : strongly or forcefully
A. That guy hit him so hard, he was knocked unconscious.(그 남자는 그를 아주 쎄게 때렸어, 그는 바로 의식을 잃었지)
B. Yeah, it was like he got hit with a ton of bricks.(어, 몇 톤이나 되는 벽돌이 동시에 떨어진 기분 이었을거야)
like crazy : very fast, with great energy
A. Did you see him drive today? He was all over!(오늘 운전 하는거 봤어? 무지 빠르게 운전 하던데?)
B. I know, he was driving like crazy.(알아, 아주 빠르게 운전 하더라)
like hell : with much effort and energy, not so, untrue
A. The Yankees are going to lose tonight.(양키즈가 오늘 질 것 같다)
B. Like hell. They have the best team. They'll win for sure.(정말! 그들은 최고의 팀인데 말야. 그들은 무슨일이 있어도 이길거야)
like mad : very fast, with great energy
A. Whoa! Look at him run!(이야! 제 뛰는 것 좀 봐)
B. Yeah, he's running like mad. I wonder if he's late for something.(그래 아주 미치도록 뛰는데? 뭔가 늦었나본데?)
like water off a duck`s back : without effect, without changing one`s feelings or opinion
A. Nothing seems to bother that guy.(그는 아무런 어려운이 없어 보여)
B. I know. Problems seem to slide off of him like water off a duck's back.(알아. 힘든 일은 아무런 해를 안주고 그냥 지나 가는 것 같아)
line up : take places in line or formation, stand one behind another
A. Teacher, is it time to go home yet?(선생님, 집에 갈시간 아직 안됐나요?)
B. Yes, line up in front of the door and wait for the bell to ring.(문 앞에 줄서서 벨이 울릴 때 까지 기다려)
line up : adjust correctly
A. These figures are wrong. You're supposed to be my accountant!(이건 잘못된거 아니에요?. 당신은 우리 상담원이잖아요!)
B. Oh, sorry sir. I will line them up correctly.(아 미안해요. 다시 고칠께요)
line up : arrange, make ready for action
A. Are you going to the baseball game tomorrow?(내일 야구 경기 보러 갈꺼야?)
B. Yes, I have a couple of tickets lined up.(어, 티켓 몇장이 있어서 보러갈려구)
lip service : support shown by words only and not by action
A. He never does what he says he's going to do.(그가 할 일은 절대 말안해)
B. I know. He's always giving people lip service.(알아, 그는 항상 행동으로 보여주지)
little by little : gradually
A. How are you going to complete that project alone? It's huge!(혼자서 그 프로그램 어떻게 끝낼래?할 일이 정말 많잖아!)
B. I'm going to take my time and do it little by little.(그냥 천천히 조금씩 하려구)
little frog in a big pond : an unimport!ant person in a large group or organization
A. I just started working here. Everyone is in a position above me.(나 여기 취직한지 얼마 안됐어. 다들 내 윗 사람이야)
B. Yes, you're a little frog in a big pond with this company.(어, 넌 우물안 개구리야)
little pitchers have big ears : little children often overhear things that they are not supposed to hear
A. How did he overhear us talking?(그 사람이 우리 얘기 어떻게 듣게 됐어?)
B. He's a kid. Little pitchers often have big ears.(걘 아직 어려. 어린 애들이 가끔은 듣지 말아야할 것 들을 듣곤 하지)
live down : remove blame or distrust by good conduct, cause to be forgiven by not repeating something
A, Do you think they'll ever forgive me for what I did?(내가 한일을 그들이 용서 해줄 수 있을까?)
B. I doubt it. That's going to be hard to live down.(글세. 그들의 기억속에서 사라지기 까지는 오래 걸릴껄)
live from hand to mouth : live on little money
A. Are you saving money these days?(요새 열심히 저금하고 있어?)
B. No, I just have enough for living. My money goes from hand to mouth.(그냥 살만큼만 멀어서 써)
live high off the hog : live very luxuriously or comfortably
A. He's living in luxury these days. He's making afoot of money.(그는 요새 잘살아. 그는 돈을 잘 벌어)
B. Yeah, he's living high on the hog.(네, 그는 요새 아주 잘나가)
live it up : have a good time
A. Are you going to have a good time this weekend?(이번주말에 재미 있게 지낼거야?)
B. Yeah, I'm going to live it up.(어, 좋은 시간 보낼꺼야)
live out of a suitcase : stay away from your home with only the belongings in your suitcase
A, You've been travelling for along time.(여행 꽤 오래 했네?)
B. Yeah, it's hard when you're living out of a suitcase all the time.,(어, 항상 돌아다니면서 여행 하는건 힘들어)
live up to : come up to, agree with, act according to
A. Do you think you'll live up to your boss'expectations?(넌 네 사장이 원하는 만큼 해줄 수 있어?)
B, Yes, I think I have what it takes for doing the job,(어, 할려면 어쩔 수 없지 뭐)
living end : great, fantastic, the ultimate
A. What's that girl like?(저 여자 어때?)
B. She's fantastic. She's the living end.(그녀는 아름다워. 그녀는 굉장해)
loaded : have lots of money
A. That guy sure has a lot of money.(저 남자는 정말 돈이 많아)
B. Yeah, he's loaded.(어, 그는 돈이 정말 많더라)
lock the barn door after the horse is stolen : be careful or try to make something safe when it is too late
A. My house was robbed. I need to buy an alarm for it,(우리 집 도둑 맞았어. 경보장치라도 해야할까봐)
B. It's too late. That's like locking the barn door after the horse is stolen.(이미 늦었어. 말이 달아난후에 헛간을 잠구는거랑 같아)
lock up : to be assured of success
A. Do you think you'll get the job?(취직 될 것 같아?)
B. Yeah, it's locked up.(어. 확실해)
long face : a sad look, a disappointed look
A. Why do you have such a long face?(왜 그렇게 시무룩해?)
B. My wife left me and I'm terribly depressed.(내 와이프가 나갔어 그래서 좀우울하다)
long haul : a long distance or trip
A. Yeu're driving all the way across the countryside(지방 까지 갈꺼야?)
B. Yeah, it's a long haul but it's a beautiful drive.(어, 기나긴 여정이지만 풍경은 아름다울 것 같아)
long haul : a long period of time during which work continues or something is done
A. Are you going to marry hero(너는 영웅과 결혼 할거야?)
B. Yes, I'm in this relationship for the long haul.(네, 이번 일을 아주 길 게 보고 있어)
long shot : a bet or other risk taken though not likely to succeed
A. Why are you always losing on the longshot at the casino?(왜 카지노에서 왜 큰돈을 항상 놓쳐?)
B. Because the longshot Pays the most. It's harder to win, but you get more money.(왜냐면 큰돈을 딸려면 그만큼 힘도 들고 돈도 많이 들어)
look after someone : take care or attend to someone
A. Can you look after my son tomorrow?(내일 내 아들 좀 봐줄래?)
B. Sure, I'll watch him .while you're away,(물론이지, 내가 봐줄께. 네가 없을 동안에)
look a gift horse in the mouth : complain if a gift is not perfect
A. I can't believe he complained about the present I bought him.(왜 내가 사준 선물에 그렇게 불만이 많은거야?)
B. Yeah, it's terribly rude to look a gift horse in the mouth.(어, 선물에 대해 불만을 품는건 굉장한 실례인데 말야)
look at the world through rose-colored glasses : see only the good things about something, be too optimistic
A. He is too optimistic.(그는 너무 낙천적이야)
B. Yeah, he looks at the world through rose-coloured glasses.어, 그 사람 눈에는 세상이 항상 아름답게만 보이나봐)
look down one`s nose at someone or something : show your dislike of someone or something
A. He is so arrogant. He thinks he's better than everyone else.(그는 너무 적극적이야. 그가 최곤지 알아)
B. Yeah, he's always looting down his nose at everybody.(어, 그는 항상 불만이 많아)
look down on someone : regard with contempt or a feeling of superiority
A. He thinks he's the best. He thinks he's superior to everyone.(그는 그가 최곤지 알아. 그는 항상 남들보다 모든지 잘하는줄 알아)
B. Yes, he looks down on everyone,(어 그래 그는 항상 모든 사람들을 내려다 봐)
look for : think likely, expect
A. What are you looking for?(지금 뭐 찾는거야?)
B. My contact lenses. I lost them.(내 콘택 렌즈 찾고 있어.잃어 버렸거든)
look forward to something : anticipate with pleasure
A. Are you looking forward to the party tonight?(오늘 파티 기대 되지 않아?)
B. Yes, I'm very excited.(그래 나는 매우 기대하고 있어)
look in on : go to see, make a short visit with, make a call on
A. Can you look in on my cat while I'm away?(내가 없을 동안 내 고양이 좀 봐줄래?)
B. Sure, I'll pet him and make sure he has food and water.(물론이지. 내가 귀여워해주고 물과 음식을 제때에 맞춰서 줄께)
look into : investigate or check something
A. Can you Please investigate this employee? I think he's a thief.(이 직원 좀 수사좀 해주시겠어요? 도둑놈 같아요)
B. Sure, we'll look into him for you.(물론이죠, 조사해보죠)
look like a million dollars : look well and prosperous, appear healthy and happy
A. Wow! You look like a million dollars!(와! 정말 네옷에 많이도 썼구나)
B. Thanks. These clothes are new.(고마워. 다 새 옷이야)
look like the cat that ate (swallowed) the canary : seem very self-satisfied like you have just had some kind of success
A. My business deal was a success.I'm quite proud of myself.(내 사업은 성공적이야. 난 내자신이 정말 자랑스러워)
B. Yes, you look like the cat that ate the canary. Quite happy indeed.(그래 정말 자신감있어 보여. 기뻐보여)
look on : be a spectator
A. Look. There's something illegal taking Place in that alley.(보세요. 저 뒷 골목에 뭔가 불법적인 일이 벌어지는 것 같아요)
B. We shouldn't look on. Let's leave before they see us,(쳐다 보지마. 그들이 우릴 보기전에 빨리가자)
look out : provide protection and care
A. If my wife catches me with this girl, she'll divorce me.(이 여자랑 사귀는걸 와이프한테 들키면, 끝장이야)
B. Then you'd better be on the look out when you're with her.(그럼 그녀랑 있을 때는 항상 조심해야겠네)
look out : provide protection and care
A. Will you always take care of me and protect me?(당신은 항상 날 지켜보고 지켜줄껀가요?)
B. Yes, I'll always look out for you.(네, 항상 곁에 있을께요)
look over something : inspect, survey or examine
A. Can you please examine this object?(이 프로젝트 검토 좀 해줄래요?)
B. Yes, I'll look it over for you,(네, 제가 검토해 드리죠)
look to : go for help to, depend on
A. I will help thou.(도와 줄께요)
B. Thanks, I can always look to you for assistance.(고마워요. 도움이 필요할 때 도와줄사람이 있어서 좋네요)
look (something) up : search for something in a dictionary or other book
A. How will I find you in New York?(뉴욕에서 당신을 어떻게 찾지?)
B. Use a phone book. Look me up.(전화부를 봐봐. 거기서 찾으면 나올거야)
look up to : think of someone as a good example to copy, respect someone
A. I really admire my father I want to be like him someday.(나는 우리 아버지를 정말 존경해 나는 언젠가 우리 아보지 처럼 될거야)
B. Yes, you sure seem to look up to bin(그래 존경할 만한 사람을 찾은 것 같구나)
loose ends : without something definite to do
A. This project isn't complete yet(이 프로젝트는 아직 완성되지 않았어)
B. Not yet. There are still some loose ends to take care of before it's complete.(아직. 완성하기 전에 몇가지 더 손볼 게 남아 있어)
lord it over : act as the superior and master of someone, be bossy over someone
A. My boss is so arrogant. He acts like some sort of king at the office.(우리 사장님은 너무 적극적이야. 그는 사무실에서 무슨 왕같아)
B. Yes, he's always lording over his staff.(그래, 그는 항상 직원들 앞에서 왕 처럼 행동해)
lose face : be embarrassed or ashamed by an error or failure, lose dignity
A. Were you embarrassed by your mistake?(네 실수로 인해 창피를 당했니?)
B. Yes, I think I lost Blot of face.(그래 얼굴을 들고 다닐 수 없을 정도로)
lose ground : go backward, become weaker, not improve
A. How are you doing on the assignment?(일 어떻게 되가고 있어?)
B. I've lost ground. There are some parks that have to be re-done.(진전이 없어. 공원 몇 개는 다시 지어야 할 것 같아)
lose heart : become discouraged
A. I don't think I can complete the report in time.(이 리포트 시간 내로 마칠 수 없을 것 같아)
B. Don't lose heart! Keep trying!(자포자기 하지마! 계속 노력 해봐!)
lose one`s marbles : go crazy or act irrationally
A. He really went crazy when he heard the news.(그는 정말 미치는 것 같더라. 그 소식을 듣고)
B. Yeah, he really lost his marbles,(그래, 그는 완전히 미쳐 버리더라)
lose one`s shirt : lose a lot of money
A. Did you win any money at the casino last night?(어젯 밤에 카지노에서 돈 많이 땃어?)
B. No, I lost everything. I lost my shirt.(아니, 다 잃었어. 다 잃어 버렸어)
lose one`s way : become lost
A. I hope I don't lose my way trying to find your house.(네 집 찾느라고 길잃어 버리는건 아닌지 모르겠네)
B. You won't. I've learned a map for you,(안 그럴꺼야. 지도 까지 그려 줬잖아)
lose one`s temper : become angry
A. He loses his temper very easily.(그는 화를 너무 잘내)
B. Yes, I don't know why he gets angry so fast(어, 왜 그렇게 쉽게 화를 내는지 모르겠어)
lose out : fail to win, miss first place in a contest
A. How did you do in the contest?(그 대회에서 몇등 했어?)
B. I lost out. I didn't win a thing.(나 떨어졌어. 아무것도 못 탔어)
lose sight of : forget, fail to see
A. How did you crash your car?(차 사고 어떻게 냈어?)
B. I lost sight of the road when the fog lolled in.(안개가 끼자 앞이 안보이면서 맥없이 부?혀 버렸어)
lose touch with : fail to keep in contact or communication with someone
A. Do you still talk with your sister since she moved away?(네 여동생이 이 사간 후로 아직도 연락해?)
B. No, I've lost touch with her.(아니 연락이 끊겼어)
lose track of : lose contact with someone (or something)
A. Hew much money are you making with your company(네 회사에서 돈 얼마나 벌어?)
B. I don't know. I've lost track,(몰라. 잊어 먹었어)
loudmouth : a noisy, boastful or foolish talker
A. That guy is such a loudmouth!(그는 정말 말도 많아)
B. I know, he's so noisy! I wish he'd shut up!(알아, 너무 시끄러워! 좀 조용히좀 해줬으면 좋겠어)
louse up : throw into confusion, make a mess of, spoil
A. This speech is totally unorganized!(그 연설은 너무 횡성수설 그 자체야)
B. I'm sorry that I've loused it up, sir. I didn't have enough time to prepare it for you.(제가 망쳐 버려서 죄송 합니다. 준비할 시간이 별로 없었어요)
lover`s lane : a hidden road or walkway where lovers walk or park in the evening
A : Where are you taking your date on Saturday night?(토요일 밤에 어디로 데이트하러 갈꺼야?)
B. I want to be alone with her, so I'm taking her to lover's lane.(단둘이 있고 싶어. 공원이나 아무도 없는 곳에 가고 싶어)
lowdown : the inside facts of a matter, the total truth
A. I want to know everything about the plan.(그 계획에 대해 모든걸 알고 싶어)
B. Ok, I'll give you the lowdown tonight.(알았어, 오늘 밤 너에게 진실을 말해 줄께)
luck out : suddenly get lucky when it looks like you won`t succeed
A. I was going to lose the race, and then the guy in front of me tripled and fell, and I won!(내가 경주에서 질꺼라고 생각 했을 때 앞에 가던 사람이 갑자기 넘어 졌어 그래서 내가 이겼어!)
B. Sounds like you really lucked out!(정말 운이 좋았구나)
lucky star : a certain star or planet which is thought to bring a person good luck and success in life
A. I almost got killed driving home tonight. A drunk driver came close to hitting me.(오늘밤 집에 가면서 죽는줄 알았어. 음주운전 차가 내옆에 오면서 부?힐뻔 했어)
B. You are very fortunate. You should thank your lucky stars.(너 운이 좋았구나. 너의 행운의 별에 감사해야겠구나)
출처 : englishmania
'Don''t give up' 카테고리의 다른 글
[스크랩] 영어회화 모음집-2 (0) | 2007.12.12 |
[스크랩] 영어회화 종합 모음집-1 (0) | 2007.12.12 |
[스크랩] 중요숙어정리 K (0) | 2007.11.30 |
[스크랩] 중요숙어정리 J (0) | 2007.11.30 |
[스크랩] 중요숙어정리 I (0) | 2007.11.30 |