each and every : every (used for emphasis)
A : We would like to thank you for helping our course.(우리 수업을 도와 주신 것에 대해 깊이 감사 드립니다)
B : We would like to thank each and every one of you.(여러분 모두에게 감사 드려요)
eager beaver : person who is always eager to work or do extra work
A : Scott is always early for work.(스콧은 항상 일찍 출근해)
B : Yes, he's a real eager beaver.(어 그래 걘 일에대한 열정이 대단해)
earful : scolding, a lot of information (often critical)
A : Our boss sure seemed angry at you. He was really yelling!(사장님이 당신한테 무지 화나 있는 것 같아. 크게 소리 질렀잖아)
B : Yes, he gave me a quite earful(어 그래 날 무지 많이 혼냈어)
early bird catches the worm : a person who gets up early in the morning has the best chance of success
A : The fish always seemed to be biting in the morning. I'd really like to sleep tomorrow though.(아침엔 물고기들이 잘 물어. 하지만 내일은 정말 잠 좀 자고 싶어)
B : Oh, come on! The early bird catches the worm!(야 힘좀 내! 일찍 일어나는 사람이 성공한단 말이야!)
(keep/have one`s) ear to the ground : pay attention to the way things are going or the way people feel and think
A : How does he always know what's going to happen with stocks.?(그는 주식이 어떻게 될지 항상 어떻게 알아?)
B : I geuss he keeps his ear to the ground.(그는 상황파악을 잘하는 것 같애)
ease off : reduce in severity or pressure, relax
A : You aren't working hard enough. I want you to work harder.(너 너무 일을 안하는 것 같애. 일좀 열심히 해봐)
B : Please ... ease off. I'm trying my best.(제발 좀 진정해. 난 내 최선을 다하고 있어)
easy come, easy go : something that you get easily can be lost easily
A : You lost all of your winnings playing slot machines?(너 그 게임기에 돈 다 쏟아 넣었어?)
B : Yeah, well... easy come easy go.(글쎄...쉽게 번 돈이니깐 쉽게 잃은거 겠지)
easy does it : do something without sudden movements or too fast
A : I don't know if I can carry all of these boxes(이 상자 다 들고 갈 수 잇을지 모르겠다)
B : Just becareful. Easy does it(조심해. 그렇지 천천히)
easy-going : tolerant and relaxed
A : John seems like a really relaxed guy.(존은 정말 침착한 사람인 것 같아)
B : Yes, he's really easy going.(그래 그는 정말 걱정 거리도 없는 사람인 것 같아)
eat away : rot, erode, destroy
A : Something is eating away at the sidewalk.(뭔가 인도를 썩게 만들고 있어)
B : Yes, I think it's the acid rain.(어 산성비 때문에 그런 것 같아)
eat crow : admit one is mistaken or defeated
A : Let's make a bet on the baseball game(야구 게임 누가 이기나 내기하자)
B : Ok. And the loser will eat crow(그러자 진사람은 딴말하기 안된다)
eat dirt : accept another`s insult or bad treatment, act humble
A : Why does he put up with he's brother's insults?(걔 형이 걔한테 모욕적인 말을 하는데도 왜 가만히 있어?)
B : I don't know I guess he likes eating dirt.(몰라 그렇게 대우 받는게 견딜만 한가보지 뭐)
eat one`s heart out : suffer greatly from longing
A : I'm jealous. Your girl friend is really pretty.(질투나네. 네 여자 친구 정말 이쁘다)
B : Yeah, well she's all mine, so you can eat your heart out.(어 그래 그녀는 내꺼야, 그러니깐 넌 보기만해)
eat humble pie : admit one`s error and apologize
A : Your uncle apologized to you?(네 삼촌이 사과 했어?)
B : Yes, he's eating humble pie right now(어 아마 지금 쯤 깊은 깨달음을 얻었을꺼야)
(be) eating someone : bothering or worring someone
A : Something is bothering Scott(뭔가 스콧을 괴롭히고 있어)
B : I think the death of his father is eating him up.(그의 아버지 죽음 때문에 걱정하고 있을꺼야)
eat like a bird : eat very little
A : Your wife didn't order much at dinner.(네 부인은 저녁 식사때 별루 많이 안시켰어)
B : No, she eats like a bird.(그래 맞어 그녀는 항상 조금씩만 먹지)
eat like a horse : eat a lot
A : Wow! he sure eats a lot!(와! 걔 정말 많이 먹는다)
B : Yes, he eats like a horse.(알아 걘 말 같이 많이 먹어)
eat one`s cake and have it too : use or spend something and still keep it
A : This job is great. I love the work, and I'm getting paid for it.(이 직업 정말 괜찮은 것 같아)
B : Looks like you can have your cake and eat it too.(그래 너두 네 직장 그냥 계속 다니는게 좋을 것 같아)
eat one`s words : admit being wrong in something one has said, retract one`s statement
A : The L.A Dodgers will crush the Angels next week.(다음주에 다저스는 앤젤스를 이기고 말꺼야)
B : Ok, but if you're wrong you're going to eat those words.(그래 알았어 하지만 아니면 네말에 책임져하야 할꺼야)
eat out : eat in a restaurant
A : Should I make you lunch?(점심 준비 할까?)
B : No, let's eat out(아니 하지마 오늘 외식 하자)
egg (someone) on : urge or push someone to do something
A : Scott and Derren look like they are ready to fight each other.(스콧이랑 데렌은 지금 막 싸울 것 같애)
B : Yes, I think Scott has been egging Derren on.(그래 스콧이 데렌을 먼저 화나게 한 것 같아)
eke out : earn with difficulty
A : What's life like in the city?(도시 생활은 어때?)
B : It's hard. It's hard to eke out enough money to live.(힘들지. 먹고 살기 정말 힘들어)
elbow grease : effort and strength to clean something
A : Do you think your car will be working by summertime?(여름쯤엔 네차 다 고칠 수 있을 것 같애?)
B : With a little elbow grease, it will be running by next week.(조금만 더 하면 다음주엔 몰구 다닐 수 있을꺼야)
elbow room : space (enough to be comfortable)
A : What;s the new car like?(새 차 어때?)
B : Very spacious. It has a lot of elbow room.(속이 굉장히 넓어. 정말 공간이 넓어)
end in itself : a purpose or goal one wants for itself alone and not as a way to something else
A : I see you running everyday. Do you think you'll win the race?(너 매일 달리기 하더라. 경주에 이길 것 같애?)
B : It doesn't matter. Running, for me, is an end in itself.(그거랑 상관 없어. 그냥 내가 하고 싶어서 하는거야)
(at the) end of one`s rope : the last of one`s ability or ideas about how to proceed or do something
A : You look like you're going crazy. What's wrong?(너 정말 이러다가 미처 버리겠다. 문제가 뭐야?)
B : Everything's wrong. I'm at the end of my rope.(모든게 다 틀렸어. 이게 내 한계야)
end up : finish, finally do something
A : Where do you think you'll end up as an old man?(먼 훗날에 네가 늙으면 뭐하구 있을까?)
B : Hopefully, I'll end up on a sunny beach somewhere.(운 좋으면 태양이 쬐는 바닷가에서 썬텐 하고 있겠지)
even so : nevertheless, however
A : He's dangerous in that bar on saturday nights.(그는 토요일 밤에 그 바에서 정말 무서운 마람으로 돌변해)
B : Yes, but even so-I'd still like to go there.(어 알아 하지만 그래도 난 가고 싶어)
every dog has his day : everyone will have his chance or turn, everyone will get what he deserves
A : I'm never going to win at bingo. Everybody else has at least once.(난 빙고 게임에 재질이 없나봐. 다른 사람들은 다 한번씩 이겼는데 말이야)
B : Don't worry. Every dog has its day.(걱정마. 오늘은 운이 안좋아서 그럴꺼야)
every other : alternate, every second one
A : Should I stop by every day this month?(이달 매일 여기 들를까?)
B : No, every other day would be fine.(그래 난 아무때나 괜찮아)
every so often : occasionally
A : Does your son visit you a lot? (네 아들 자주 오니?)
B : Oh, occasionally. Every so often.(어 가끔 와 가끔)
every Tom, Dick and Harry : the average person
A : Who ㅈill be at the party Saturday night?(토요일 밤 파티에 누구누구 와?)
B : Everyone. Every Tom, Dick and Harry in the city.(모두 다. 거의 다 올꺼야)
eyes are bigger than one`s stomach : one wants more food than one can eat
A : Why do you always order more food than you can eat?(너 왜 항상 더 시켜? 먹을 만큼만 시키지?)
B : I guess my eyes are bigger than my stomach.(난 배보다 배꼽이 더 큰가봐)
eyes in the back of one`s head : ability to know what is happening behind one`s back
A : These scooter drivers are crazy. They come so close to hitting you.(스쿠터 타는 사람들은 정말 제정신이 아닌가봐. 너랑 부딪힐뻔 했잖아)
B : I know. You have to have eyes in the back of your head.(어 알아 항상 주위를 잘 살펴야해)
eyes pop out : much surprised
A : Did you see how surprised he was?(걔 놀란 거 봤어?)
B : Yes, I thought his eyes were going to pop out.(어 봤어 걔 정말 놀라더라)
'Don''t give up' 카테고리의 다른 글
[스크랩] 중요숙어정리 G (0) | 2007.11.30 |
[스크랩] 중요숙어정리 F (0) | 2007.11.30 |
[스크랩] 중요숙어정리 D (0) | 2007.11.30 |
[스크랩] 중요숙어정리 C (0) | 2007.11.30 |
[스크랩] 중요숙어정리 B (0) | 2007.11.30 |