gain ground : go forward, make progress
A : Have you finished editing the book yet?(책 편집 다 끝났어?)
B : No, it's hard, but I'm gaining ground.(아니 좀 힘드네, 그렇지만 차차 좋아지고 있어)
gang up on someone : attack in a group, get together to hurt someone.
A : Those bullies are always bothering the new student.(자 블량배들이 신입생들을 항상 괴롭혀)
B : Yes, they are always ganging up on them.(알아, 그들은 항상 신입생들에게 나쁜짓만 일삼더라고...)
gas up : fill up a gas tank
A : We are running low on fuel.(기름이 다 떨어져 가네)
B : Stop at the gas station and and we'll gas up.(주유소에 잠깐 멈춰서 기름 넣고 가자)
gee whiz : used as an exclamation to show surprise or other strong feelings
A : My wife left him again.(걔 마누라와 또 헤어졌데)
B : Gee whiz, that's terrible.(이거 놀랐는걸, 안좋은 소식이네)
get a break : get an opportunity or good deal
A : You got that real nice apartment?(그 좋은 아파트 샀어?)
B : Yes, it's about time I got a break in life.(나두 편하게 다리 뻣고 살 때도 됐지 뭐)
get across : explain, make something understood
A : Do you think you can explain the situtation to her?(이 상황을 그녀에게 말해줄 수 없을까?)
B : Well, I'll try. I'll try to get it across to her.(그래 한 번 해조지뭐. 설명 해볼께)
get a fix on something : receive a reading of a distant object by electronic means
A : Can you find them with our radar?(우리 레이다로 그들을 찾을 수 있을까?)
B : Yes. with our radar we should be able to get a fix on them(물론이지 우리 레이다로 그들을 찾아낼 수 있을꺼야)
get a grip of oneself : take control of one`s feelings
A : I can't stop crying(눈물이 계속 흐르네)
B : Oh, come on get a grip on yourself(좀 진정해)
get after someone : urge or make someone do something he should do but has neglected
A : Scott still hasn't paid me the money he owes me.(스콧 걔 내가 꿔준 돈 아직도 안갚았어)
B : Ok, I'll get Ray after him.(알았어 레이한테 시켜 볼께)
get ahead : advance or be successful
A : It's hard to get ahead these days.(요새는 다른 사람을 앞서기가 참 힘들어)
B : That's because everybody is becoming intellegent(요샌 모두들 영리하기 때문이야)
get a kick out of : enjoy
A : Do you like roller-coasters?(롤러 코스터 타는거 좋아해?)
B : Yes, I get a kick out of them.(그럼 그거 타는거 되게 좋아해)
get a load of : take a good look at, see something
A : Hey, get a load of her.(저 여자좀 봐)
B : Wow, she's beautiful!(정말 이쁜데?)
get along : manage
A : Are you doing well these days?(요새 잘 지내?)
B : Yes, I'm getting along quiet well.(어 잘 지내)
get along : leave
A : Sir would you like to buy some cookies?(쿠키 사시겠어요?)
B : No, get along now.(아니 저리 좀 가)
get along with someone : have a good relationship with someone
A : Are you still fighting with your sister?(네 여동생하고 아직도 싸우니?)
B : No, we are getting along now.(아니 요샌 잘지내)
get a move on : hurry up
A : We are going to be late hurry.(서둘러 이러다가 늦겠다)
B : Ok, I guess I'd better get a move on.(좀 빨리 해야 겠는데?)
get a rise out of someone : tease, have fun with someone by making him or her angry
A : He's always angry. He has a really a bad temper.(걘 항상 화나 있어. 걔 성질 더럽더라)
B : Yes, it doesn't take much to get a rise out of him.(조금만 뭐라구 해두 금방 화를 내지)
get around : go to different places, move about
A : He travels all over the world.(그는 세계여행을 한다고 하더라)
B : Yes, he really gets around.(그래 그는 잘 돌아다니더라)
get around to : finally find time to do something
A : When will you paint my car?(내 차 언제 칠할꺼야?)
B : I'll get around to it sometime next week.(다음주 쯤에 할꺼야)
get at : mean
A : Can you get at those apples?(저 사과 딸 수 있어?)
B : No, they are out of my reach.(아니 팔이 안닿는데?)
get away : succeed in leaving, escape
A : How did the bank robbers flee the scene?(은허ㅐㅇ강도들이 어떻게 도망 갔어?)
B : they got away in a "getaway car"(차 타고 도망 갔어)
get away from it all : go on a holiday
A : What will you do on your time off?(너 쉬는 시간에는 뭐해?)
B : I'm going to get away from all and go to Hawaii.(난 모든걸 재쳐 두고 하와이로 떠날꺼야)
get away with murder : do something very bad without being caught or punished
A : He never gets in trouble, and he's the worst kid in school.(그는 별 문제 없이 지내, 하지만 사실은 제일 말썽꾸러기이거든)
B : I know. He gets away with murders.(알아, 아주 나쁜일도 마다하지 않고 다 하잖아)
get away with something : do something one shouldn`t and not get caught at it
A : I can't believe you got away with being late for work this morning.(오늘 아침에 늦었는데 아무말 없었다니 믿을 수가 없네)
B : Yes, our boss is very kind.(그래 우리 사장님은 굉장히 친절해)
get a wiggle on : hurry up, get going
A : Come on, we are late for the movie. Get a wiggle on.(영화보라 빨리 가자. 서둘러)
B : Ok, I'll hurry.(달았어 서두를께)
get a word in : find a chance to say something when others are talking
A : Why don't you ever let me get a word in.(나두 말할 기회를 좀 줘)
B : Oh, sorry I guess I talk too much.(알았어 내가 너무 말을 많이 했구나)
get a word in edgewise : manage to break into a conversation
A : Talking with them is hard.(쟤네들이랑은 말하기가 어려워)
B : Yes, It's hard to get a word in edge wise.(대화중에 끼어들긴 힘들지)
get back : return
A : Can I borrow this book?(책 하나 빌려 줄래?)
B : Only if you can get it back to me tomorrow.(내일 갖다 줄 수 있다면 빌려가)
get back at : do something bad to someone who has done something bad to you, hurt someone in return for something
A : He insulted you. Aren't you going to get back at him?(그사람은 널 놀렸어. 그사람한테 복수 안할꺼야?)
B : No, that won't make him any better(아니 그런다고해서 고쳐질 일이 아니야)
get behind : go slow while doing something, be late
A : How is the school work coming?(학교일은 잘되가?)
B : Not so good. I can't keep up I'm getting behind.(별루야. 점점 뒤쳐지고 있어)
get behind (a person or idea) : support, help
A : He's idea is good. we should support him.(걔 아이디어는 좋아. 걜 도와주는게 좋을 것 같아)
B : I agree let's get behind him.(그래 나두 찬성이야 도와주자)
get by : satisfy your needs or demands (usually related to money)
A : Can you get by on your salary?(월급 가지고 살아가기 충분해?)
B : Yes, it's enough to live on.(그래 충분해)
get cold feet : become afraid at the last minute
A : Are you still going to ask her to marry you?(너 아직 그 여자한테 프로포즈 할꺼야?)
B : I don't know I'm getting cold feet(모르겠어 걔앞에만 서면 겁이나)
get cracking : hurry up, start moving fast, get started
A : The assigment is due Tuesday (화요일까지 숙제 내야되)
B : Ok. I'd better get cracking if I'm going to finish on time(그때 까지 다할려면 빨리 해야겠다)
get (someone) down : make (someone) unhappy, cause discouragement
A : He seems sad(쟤 좀 슬퍼 보이지 않아?)
B : Yes, something is getting him down(어 뭔가 그를 슬프게 하고 있어)
get down to : get started on
A : Everyone is here. Shall we proceed?(다 모였네. 시작할까요?)
B : Yes, let's get down to business(네 시작 합시다)
get down to brass tacks : begin discussing the essential matters immediately
A : This matter must be dealt with immediately(이문제는 정말 급한 문제야)
B : Yes, Let's get down to brass tacks(급한문제부터 해결 하지)
get even : get revenge
A : Are you going to do anything to him? He insulted your wife(걔 어떻게 할꺼야? 네 와이프에게 안좋은 말을 했잖아)
B : Don't worry. I'll find a way to get even with him(걱정마 내가 알아서 혼구명을 내줄테니깐)
get-go : the beginning
A : Did you run well in the marathon?(마라톤 경주에서 잘 뛰었어?)
B : Yes, I ran from well from the get-go(어 그래 처음부터 잘 뛰었지)
get (someone`s) goat : annoy someone
A : He really makes me angry(그는 날 정말 화나게해)
B : Don't let him get your goat(개가 널 괴롭히게 하지마)
get going : excite, stir up and make angry
A : He gets excited very easily(걘 너무 화를 잘내)
B : Yes, it doesn't take much to get him going(조금만 뭐라고 해도 금방 화를 내)
get hold of (something) : get possession of
A : Is there any soju in this town?(이 도시에 소주 파는데 없을까?)
B : No, soju is hard to get a hold of in France(아니 프랑스에서는 소주 사기가 힘들어)
get hold of (someone) : find a person so you can speak with him or her
A : How will I get a hold of you(어떻게 하면 당신을 만날 수 있을까요?)
B : Call me on my cell phone(내 핸드폰으로 전화해)
get in on the ground floor : start at the beginning (in hopes of future gain)
A : So you've started investing money?(그래 그래서 이제 네 돈을 투자하기로 맘 먹은거야?)
B : Yes small amounts. I figure I'd get in on the ground floor.(그래 아주 조금씩. 처음부터 시작할까해)
get in touch with someone : contact someone
A : How can I get in touch with you?(너 한테 연락하려면 어떻게 해야하지?)
B : E-mail me(이메일 보내)
get in the swing of things : adapt to a new environment or situation
A : I'm nervous about moving to a new city(새도시로 이사가는 것에대해 겁이나)
B : Don't worry. After a couple of weeks, you'll get in to swing of things(걱정마 몇주 지나면 적응 될꺼야)
get it all together : be in full control and possession of one`s mental faculties
A : I'm so sad. I'm totally depressed(정말 스프다. 정말 우울해진다)
B : Oh, cheer up. Get it together.(기운좀 내. 정신 차려)
get it through one`s head : understand, believe
A : I don't understand what you mean(네가 무슨 말 하는지 모르겠어)
B : Can't you get it through your head?(이해가 안돼?)
Get lost : go away
A : Those kids are always bothering my dog(저 애들은 내개를 맨날 괴롭혀)
B : So tell them to get lost!(저리 가라고 해)
get mixed up : become confused
A : You couldn't find her house?(그녀의 집 못 찾았어?)
B : No, I kept getting mixed up with the map(지도 보는데 자꾸 햇갈려)
get off : come down from or out of (a bus or train etc.)
A : Where would you like to go sir(어디 가실려구여?)
B : I would like to get off at the subway station please(지하철에서 내려 주세여)
get off easy : escape a worse punishment
A : That criminal only got five years for killing that woman(저 여자를 죽였는데 5년밖에 안받았어)
B : He should have gotten more time. He got off easy.(좀더 오래 들어가 있어야하는데. 너무 가벼운형 받았다)
get off one`s back : leave someone alone and not bother them
A : My wife won't stop bothering me(내 와이프가 날 가만히 안두네)
B : So tell her to get off your back(그만 좀 괴롭히라고해)
get off one`s butt : get busy, start working
A : My son is lazy(내 아들은 너무 게을러)
B : Put him to work. Tell him to get off his butt(일 좀 시켜. 좀 움직이라고해)
get off on the wrong foot : make a bad start
A : I made a big mistake at work on my first day there(첫 출근때 믄 실수를 했어)
B : Sounds like you got off on the wrong foot(처음부터 잘못 시작 됐구나)
get off the ground : make a successful beginning, go ahead
A : Your new company is doing well?(새 직장 괜찮아?)
B : Yes. I've managed to get it off the ground(어 처음부터 잘되가네)
get one`s dander up : become or make angry
A : You have made Mr. Kim very angry(네가 미스터 김을 화나게 했어)
B : Yes, I've really got his dender up(어 정말 화나게 했어)
get one`s feet wet : begin, do something for the first time
A : So you've begun taekwondo lessons?(태권도 배우기 시작 했다며?)
B : Yes, I've figured I'd get my feet wet in martial arts(어, 처음으로 예술적인 일을 한번 해볼려구)
get one`s own way : cause people to do what you want
A : He is a very powerful man(그는 매우 강한 사람이야)
B : Yes, that's why he always gets his own way(어, 그래서 그는 하고 싶은데로 다하고 있지)
get one`s rear in gear : hurry up, get going
A : We're late again(우리 또 지각이야)
B : Yes, we'd better get our rear in gear(빨리 서둘러야 겠다)
get on in years : to advance in age
A : Your father looks very old(너네 아버지 되게 나이들어 보인다)
B : He's getting on in years(아버진 점점 나이들어가시네)
get on one`s high horse : behave with arrogance
A : He is a very arrogant man(그는 매우 거만한 사람이야)
B : Yes, he's always up on his high horse(어 그는 항상 거만한 태도를 보여)
get on one`s nerves : irritate someone
A : Does your brother still bother you?(너네 형 아직도 널 괴롭히니?)
B : Yes, he still gets(어 아직도 괴롭혀)
get out of bed on the wrong side : be in a bad mood
A : I'm in a bad mood today(오늘 기분이 안좋네)
B : Looks like you got up on the wrong side of the bed(잠을 잘못 잔 것 같이 보이네)
get out from under : escape a situation that one doesn`t like
A : Do you still owe the bank money?(은행에서 꾼돈 아직 다 안갚았어?)
B : Yes, I've got to get out from under(어, 이 지경에서 빨리 헤치고 나와야해)
get out of hand : lose control
A : He gets crazy when he drinks(그는 술마시면 과격해져)
B : I know. he gets out of hand(알아, 술취하면 어떻게 할 수가 없어져)
get out of the way : be no longer an obstacle
A : Please get out of the way(저리 좀 비켜)
B : Sorry, I didn't realize I was blocking the road(미안해, 길을 막고 서있었다는걸 몰랐어)
get over something : overcome a difficulty, recover from an illness or shock
A : I'm sorry to hear of your illness(아프다며? 안됐다)
B : It's ok. I'll get over it (괜찮아. 금방 낳을꺼야)
get (something) over with : finish, end
A : Ok. I'm going to have to give you a needle(그래. 침을 좀 놔줘야 겠구나)
B : Please, doctor, just get it over with(그냥 빨리 하세요)
get ready : prepare yourself
A : Let's go out for dinner9저녁 먹으러 나가자)
B : Ok, I'll get ready(알았어 준비할께)
get rid of something : give or throw something away, sell or destroy something, make a cold or fever disappear
A : Your room is a mess. Please get rid of all those empty cans and bottles(네 방좀 정리해라. 저 빈 병하구 캔좀 버려)
B : Ok. I'll throw them in the garbage(알았어요 스레기콩에 버릴께요)
get set : get ready to start
A : The race is about to begin (경주가 막 시작 될려고 해)
B : Right let's get set(자 준비 하자)
get the ax : be fired
A : They fired him for being late?(늦어서 그사람 짤라버렸어?)
B : Yes, he got the axe(응 짤렸어)
get the ball rolling : start something
A : This party is boring(이 파티는 좀 지루하다)
B : I'll turn on the music. That should get the ball rolling(음악 좀 킬께. 그럼 뭔가 시작되는 기분이 될꺼에요)
get the better of (someone) : win against, beat, defeat
A : Did you win the tennis match?(테니스 경기 이겼어?)
B : Yes, my opponent got the better of me(내가 졌어)
get the feel of : become used to or learn about something
A : How is your golf game? You just started playing right?(골프 게임 잘되?)
B : Yes, I'm starting to get the feel of the game(어, 이제 좀 할 수 있을 것 같아)
get the goods on someone : find out true and often bad information about someone
A : Please find everything about that man(그 사람에 대해 모든걸 알아내)
B : Ok I'll get the goods on him(알았어 그에 대한 걸 모든걸 알아볼께)
get the message : understand clearly what is meant
A : Do you understand what I'm saying?(내가 무슨 말하는지 알겠어?)
B : Yes, I get the message(어 알아 들었어)
get the sack : be fired or dismissed from work
A : Why aren't you working today(오늘 왜 일안해?)
B : I lost my job. I got the stock(나 짤렸어 내 주식 다 팔았어)
get the show on the road : start working on something
A : Let's start the game. Let's go!(게임 시작하자. 가자!)
B : Yes, Let's get the show on the road.(어, 빨리 시작하자)
get the worst of : be defeated or beaten, suffer most
A : Who won the match?(누가 이겼어?)
B : Bill did. Scott was the loser. He got the worst of it.(빌이 이겼어. 스콧이 졌어. 그가 가장 많이 손해를 봤지)
get through : succeed in passing an exam or ordeal
A : Will you be ok? I'm sorry that your mother passed away(괜찮겠어? 엄마가 돌아가셨다며 참 안됐다)
B : I'm ok. I'll get through it(괜찮아. 견딜만해)
get through to : be understood by, make (someone) understand
A : I don't understand what you're saying?(네가 무슨말 하는지 모르겠어)
B : Hmm. I just can't seem to get through you!(음...정말 너 이해시키기 어렵구나?)
get to : have a chance to, be able to
A : Will you get to go surfing in Hawaii?(하와이에서 서핑두 할꺼야?)
B : Ofcourse. If we have the time(물론이지. 시간이 되면)
get to first base : make a good start, succeed
A : Have you finished your essay?(수필 다 썼어?)
B : No, I just started. But I have gotten to first base(아니, 이제 시작이야. 하지만 시작은 했어)
get to the bottom of : find out the real cause
A : Someone has been stealing away money from the office(사무실에서 누가 돈을 계속 훔쳐)
B : Let's call the police. They'll get to the bottom of this(경찰에 전화하자. 그들은 범인을 찾아 낼 수 있을꺼야)
get to the heart of : understand the most import!ant thing about something
A : Have you figured out the probelem with your staff?(직원들하고 이 문제에 관해 상의 해봤어?)
B : No, I've questioned them, but I can't seem to get to the heart of the matter(아니 물어봤는데 정말로 문제되는게 뭔지 찾아내질 못했어)
get under one`s skin : bother someone, upset someone
A : Does she bother you?(그녀가 널 괴롭혀?)
B : Yes, she really gets under my skin(어, 그녀는 날 정말 화나게해)
get up : get out of bed, get to one`s feet
A : What time did you get up this morning?(오늘 아침 몇시에 일어났어?)
B : I got up at 8:00 pm.(8시에 일어났어)
getup : fancy dress or costume
A : That's quite the get up you've got there(그 옷 정말 멋진데?)
B : Yes, I've bought these clothes in Paris(어 파리에서 샀어)
get-up-and-go : energy, enthusiasm, drive
A : He has a lot of energy(그는 힘이 남아 돌아)
B : Yes, he has a lot of get-up-and-go(어 걔는 힘이 남아 돌아)
get up on the wrong side of the bed : be in a bad mood
A : I'm in foul mood today(오늘 기분이 별루 안좋네)
B : You must have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed today(잠을 잘못 자서 그럴꺼야)
get up the nerve : become brave enough
A : Are you going to ask her out on a date?(그녀에게 데이크 신청 할꺼야?)
B : Yes, as soon as I get up the nerve(좀 용기가 나면 할거야)
get what`s coming to one : receive the good or bad that one deserves
A : That criminal got twenty years in prison for his crimes(그 범죄자가 20년형 받았어)
B : Well, he got what was coming to him(그렇게 받아도 싸)
get wind of : hear about something
A : How did you find out about the cancellation?(취소된 거 어떻게 알았어?)
B : I caught wind of it from someone at work(직원들 끼리 얘기하는거 들었어)
get with it : pay attention, get busy
A : Why are you dressed so sloppily? Get with it!(옷 입은게 왜 그래? 정신 좀 차려)
B : Ok. I'll tuck in my shirt(알았어 셔츠 안으로 넣을께)
(not a) ghost of a chance : very little, (not even) the smallest chance
A : Do you think she'll go out with him?(그녀가 그남자의 데이트 신청을 받아드릴 것 같아?)
B : No, he doesn't have a ghost of a chance with her(아니 안 받아 드릴껄?)
gift of the gab : be good at talking
A : He really is a good speaker(걘 정말 말 잘해)
B : Yes, he has the gift of the job(어 걘 정말 타고 났어)
give (someone) a hard time : make trouble for someone, tease
A : You're lazy, and you dress like a slob(너 정말 게으르고 옷 입는 것도 그렇다)
B : Please stop giving me such a hard time!(나 좀 갈구지 마)
give-and-take : sharing, giving and receiving back and forth between people
A : Marriage is difficult. You have to try to make it work(결혼 하는건 힘들어. 많은 노력을 필요로 하지)
B : Yes, in marriage there's a lot of give and take(결혼에 있어서 주고 받는게 많지)
giveaway : an open secret, a sale where items are sold very cheap
A : Did you see how cheap everything was in that store?(그 가게에서 파는 물건들 정말 싸더라)
B : Yes, that store is a giveaway(어~ 알아 거기 할인점이야)
give away : give something to someone
A : What did you do with your stereo?(전축 어쨌어?)
B : Bob has it. I gave it away(봅이 갖고 있어. 그냥 줘 버렸지)
give a wide birth to : keep away from, keep a safe distance from/
A : That man is angry. Let's keep away from him(저 남자 화난 것 같아. 좀 멀리 하자)
B : Yes let's give him a wide birth(그래 좀 멀리 하자)
give chase : chase or run after someone or something
A : How did he get arrested?(어떻게 체포 됐어?)
B : When he took the money, the police gave chase and caught him(돈 갖고 도망 갈 때 경찰이 쫏아가서 잡았어)
give free rein to : allow to move about or to do something with freedom
A : His children are allowed to do whatever they want(그 사람 애들은 하고싶은데로 다 하고 살아)
B : Yes, he gives them free rein(그래 그들은 완전한 자유 속에서 살지)
give ground : move back, retreat, stop opposing someone
A : When he argues, he never gives you any ground(그는 말 싸움 할 때 절대 뒤로 물러서지 않아)
B : I know, he's stubborn(알아 걔 고집 되게 쌔더라)
give in : give someone his own way, stop opposing someone
A : Come on! Admit defeat!(야! 진거 인정해!)
B : No, I'll never give in(안돼, 절대 안질거야)
give it to : punish, scold
A : Can you hear that man scolding his son?(저 사람 자기 아들 혼내는거 봤어?)
B : Yes, he's really giving it to him(정말 단단히 화났던데?)
give off : send out, let out, put forth
A : That man really smells bad(저 사람 한테서 냄새 되게 많이 난다)
B : Yes, he's giving off a really foul odour(정말 저 사람한테서 이상한 냄새가 나는데?)
give oneself away : show guilt, show one has done wrong
A : He told his wife that he was having an affair(그는 그의 와이프 한테 바람 피우고 있다고 고백 했어)
B : Oh, so he gave himself away and told her(어 그랬구나 그냥 다 말해 버렸구나)
give oneself up : surrender, stop hiding or running away
A : Come out of the house. This is the police(밖으로 나와. 경찰이다)
B : No! I'm not going to give myself up!(아니에요. 저 자수할께요)
give oneself up to : let oneself enjoy, not hold oneself back from
A : He is a complete alcoholic (그는 완전한 알콜 중독자야)
B : Yes, he has really given himself up to the bottle(그는 될데로 되라는 식이야)
give one`s right arm : give something of great value
A : That's a really nice car(저 차 정말 멋있는데?)
B : Yes, I'd give my right arm to own it(정말 꼭 갖고 싶은 거다)
give or take : plus or minus a small amount
A : What time will you be here tomorrow?(내일 언제 올거야?)
B : About five o' clock, give or take a couple of few minutes(5시 쯤, 한 5분 정도 걸릴거에요)
give out : give to people, distribute
A : What are those papers they are giving to people?(사람들한테 나눠주는 저 종이 뭐야?)
B : Oh, they are giving out advertisements for their product(아 자기 상품 홍보하는거야)
give out : fail
A : What's wrong with your car?(네 차 왜그래?)
B : Oh, the engine gave out. It doesn't work now(어 엔진이 꺼져서 시동이 안걸려)
give pause to : cause one to stop and think
A : I shouldn't rush into this relationship(너무 조급하게 생각할 필요는 없을 것 같아)
B : No, you should give pause to think about your life(그래 네 인생에 대해 한번쯤 더 생각하는 것도 나쁘지 않지)
give rise to : be the cause of something
A : What will happen when the new law is passed?(그 새로운 법이 통과 되면 어떻게 될까?)
B : I think I'll give rise to student riots(난 학생들의 데모에 찬성할거야)
give someone a hand : help someone with something
A : Can you help me?(자 좀 도와 줄래?)
B : Sure I'll give you a hand((그래 내가 도와줄께)
give someone an inch and they will take a mile : if you give someone a little they will want more and more, some
people are never satisfied
A : I let my son borrow the car once. Now he thinks he owns it!(내 아들한테 차를 한번 빌려준적이 있었어. 이젠 자기 차 처럼 끌구 다녀)
B : Well, give him an inch and he'll take a mile(조금 뭐하게 해주면 더 원하는게 사람이지)
give someone a piece of your mind : scold or become angry with someone
A : You told your boss you think he's lazy?(사장님 한테 게으르다고 잘했다며?)
B : Yeah , I gave him a real piece of my mind(어 그래 내가 화나서 얘기한거야)
give someone enough rope and they will hang themselves : give someone enough time and freedom to do what they want and they will make a mistake or get into trouble and be caught
A ; I let my son go drinking again tonight(오늘밤 또 술마시게 놔 뒀어)
B : Hey, if you give him enough rope he's going to hang himself(야, 너무 내 버려두면 어디까지 갈지 몰라)
give someone one`s word : make a promise or assurance
A : Do you promise to help me tomorrow?(내일 도와주는거 약속 할 수 있어?)
B : Yes, I give you my word(그래 약속 했잖아)
give someone the ax : fire an employee (usually abruptly)
A : What happened to Troy?(트로이 어떻게 됐어?)
B : He got fired. Our boss gave him the axe(걔 해고 당했어. 올 게 왔지 뭐)
give someone the benefit of the doubt : believe someone is innocent rather than guilty when you are not sure
A : Should we trust our new employee with the information?(우리 새로운 정보를 신입들한테 얘기해줘도 괜찮을까?)
B : Yes, let's give him the benefit of the doubt(그래 한번 믿어 보지뭐)
give someone the cold shoulder : be unfriendly to someone
A : That girl doesn't seem to be intersted in me(저 여자는 나 한테 관심이 없어)
B : Yeah, she's really giving you the cold shoulder(그래 저 여잔 너한테 너무 냉정해)
give someone the eye : look or stare at someone (especially in a cold or unfriendly way)
A : You're getting a pay raise at work?(진급 한다며?)
B : Yes, my boss is finally giving me my eye(어 사장님이 그런 눈치를 주는데?)
give someone the green light : give permission to go ahead with a project
A : So, he let you date his daughter?(그래서, 그 남자애랑 따님이랑 만나게 내 버려 뒀어?)
B : Yeah, he gave me the green light(그래 그냥 내 버려 뒀어)
give the devil his due : be fair (even to someone who is bad and who you dislike)
A : Will you be fair with your new employees?(네 신입 사원이랑 동등하게 대할거야?)
B : Yes, they are inexperienced , but I'll give these devils their due(그래 그들은 경험이 없어 하지만 우선은 동등하게 대할거야)
give it your best shot : try very hard
A : Please try to finish this assignment by tomorrow(내일 까지 숙제 끝 마쳐)
B : Ok, I'll give it my best shot(알았어, 내 최선을 다할께)
give to understand : make a person understand by telling him very plainly or boldly
A : You supervisor seemed very angry when he called you into his office?(네 회사 상급자가 너 한테 굉장히 화난 것 같더라?)
B : Yes, I was given to understand that if I don't improve, I'll be fired(어 여기서 더 낳아지는거 없으면 짤릴지도 몰라)
give up the ghost : stop working, die
A : Has old Mr. Issac retired from work?(아이젝씨 아직 정년 퇴직할 때 안됐나?)
B : Yeah, he gave up the ghost(그래 그사람 이제 일안해)
(don`t) give up the ship : (don`t) stop fighting and surrender, (don`t) stop trying or hoping to do something
A : So he finally agreed to the big merger with your company?(네 회사로 흡수합병하는것에 대해 그쪽에서도 찬성한거야?)
B : Yes, he finally gave up the ship(그래 결국엔 그 사람도 두손 들었지)
glad hand : a friendly handshake, a warm greeting
A : Do you like our president?(우리 사장님 어때?)
B : Yes, he really gives hand to the working class(좋은 것 같아. 일꾼들에게 내우 친절하거든)
go about : be busy with, start working on
A ; What does he do now. That he's retired?(그사람 정년 퇴직 했는데 이제 무슨 일해?)
B ; He goes about his daily business, like any normal retiree(그냥 일상 생활을 즐겨. 다른 모든 사람과 같이)
go after : try to get
A : Oh, no. He left with our tickets for the show(안돼. 우리 쇼티켓 가지고 가버렸잖아)
B : So go after him and get them(그럼 빨리 따라가서 붙잡아)
go ahead : begin to do something, not wait
A : Should we wait for Troy before we begin?(우리 시작 하기 전에 트로이 기다릴까?)
B : No, let's just go ahead without him(아니 그냥 시작하자)
go along : move along, continue
A : How will he get to the cabin?(오두막집 까지 어떻게 갈래?)
B : We'll go along the river until we see it(강 따라서 쭉 가면 나올거야)
go along : agree, co-operate
A : Do you agree with this plan?(이 계획에 대해 찬성해?)
B : Yes, let's go along with it(어 그냥 계획한데로 밀고 나가자)
go ape : become very excited or behave in a crazy way
A : That guy on the news went crazy and shot ten people(뉴스에 나온 저 미친 사람이 10명이나 죽였데)
B : Yeah, he went ape(그래 정말 미쳤나봐)
go around : go from one place or person to another
A : What will you do during your trip to Seoul?(서울까지 가는동안 뭐할거야?)
B : I'll go around the city and explore(도시를 구경하며 돌아볼거야)
go around in circles : without getting anywhere, uselessly
A : You can't convince your wife to come out tonight?(오늘 저녁에 네 와이프가 오도록 설득이 안될까?)
B : I've been going around in circles trying to convince her(그녀를 설득 시킬려고 별짓을 다하고 있어)
go at : fight with, attack, argue
A : What happened? Was there a fight here?(무슨 일이야? 싸움 났었어?)
B : Yes, that big guy went at that small guy and broke his nose(그래 저 덩치 큰 사람이 저 작은사람을 공격해서 코가 부러졌어)
go at it hammer and tongs : fight with great strength or energy, have a bad argument
A : Did you see the boxing match?(복싱 경기 봤어?)
B : Yes, they were going at it with hammer and tongs(굉장히 과격하게 싸우더라)
go back on : turn against, not be faithful to
A : So, he broke his promise?(그래서 약속을 어긴거야?)
B : Yes, he went back on what he had agreed to do(그래 다시 원점으로 돌아와 전에 하자고 하던데로 하기로 했지)
go broke : lose all of one`s money
A : Did you lose money at the casino last night?(어제 저녁에 돈 많이 잃었어?)
B : Yes, I went broke at the blackjack table(블랙잭 하면서 돈 다 잃었어)
go Dutch : two people each pay for themselves
A : Shall I pay for dinner?(내가 저녁 값 낼까?)
B : No, I'll help out. We'll go Dutch(아니야, 덧치페이 하지 뭐)
go for : try to get, try for
A : Are you going to go for her?(그녀 한테 대쉬 할거야?)
B : Yes, I'll ask her out tonight(그래 오늘밤 데이트 신청 할거야)
go for broke : risk everything on one big effort, try as hard as possible
A : Did you see the New Jersy devils play last night?(어젯 밤에 뉴저지 데블즈 경기 하는거 봤어?)
B : Yes, what a team! They were really going for broke (어 그래 . 정말 잘하더라! 있는 힘을 다해 싸우더라)
go from bad to worse : get worse, deteriorate
A : First my car's tire went flat. Now the engine is broke(먼저 내 타이어가 빵구 났구. 엔진 시동이 이젠 안걸려)
B : It seems like things are going from bad to worse for you(네 상황이 점점 더 안좋아지는 것 같다)
go-getter : a person who works hard to become successful, an ambitious person
A : He's here early for work everyday. Man he works hard!(그는 매일 아침 일찍 출근해. 정말 열심히 일하더라)
B : Yeah, he's a really go-getter(정말 적극적이야)
go great guns : do something very fast or very hard, successfully
A : How can the Chicago Cubs beat the New York Yankees tonight?(오늘밤 경기에서 어떻게 시카고 커브스가 뉴욕 양키즈를 꺽었어?)
B : They can go great guns(걔네들 요새 잘나가거든)
go halves : share equally
A : Shall we split the cost of the car?(우리 그 차 반반씩 나워서 살까?)
B : Sure. We'll go halves on it since we'll both be using it(물론이지. 우리 둘이서 쓸꺼니깐 반반씩 내자)
go haywire : become damaged, stop working properly
A : The computer isn't working. It keeps crashing(컴퓨터가 잘 안되)
B : Yes, it's going haywire. It needs to be fixed(어 자꾸 다운되. 고쳐야 겠다)
go in for : decide to do (something), take part in
A : Hey, Bob, are you going in for surgery next week?(다음주에 수술 들어간다면서?)
B : Yes, my knee is in need of repair(어 내 무릎 때문에 수술해야되)
going for (someone) : in one`s favor
A : Who are you going for in the World Series?(월드 시리즈 때 누구 편이야?)
B : The New York Yankees(난 양키즈 편이야)
go into orbit : lose one`s temper, become very angry
A : Did you see how angry the boss got at the meeting?(오늘 회의 때 사장님 화내시는거 봤어?)
B : Yeah, he went into orbit(그래, 정말 이성을 잃은 모습이었어)
go jump in a lake : go away and quit bothering someone
A : Come on get off your butt and do something!(야! 일어나서 뭐라두 해)
B : Get lost! Go jump in a lake!(저리가! 강에나 빠져라!)
golden opportunity : excellent and rare opportunity
A : That stock is rising in valve very quickly(그 주식 정말 폭등 하는데?)
B : Yes, this is a golden opportunity to make some money(돈 벌 수 있는 좋은 기회야)
good deal : good quality and a cheap price
A : Did you get a good deal on your new watch?(새 시계 싼 값으로 샀어?)
B : Yes, it was very reasonably priced(어 얼마 안나가더라))
Good grief : used to show surprise (good or bad)
A : Your team lost again last night(어젯 밤에 또 졌다며?)
B : Oh, good grief!(그래 아우~! 열받어!)
good riddance : used when you lose something and you are happy about it
A : That man who's been bothering you has left town(너 괴롭히던 그사람 이 도시를 떠났다며?)
B : Good riddance!(정말? 사실이야?)
good riddance to bad rubbish : used to show you are glad that someone or something has been taken or sent away
A : They arrested all those drug dealers on Hostings street(호스팅 거리에 있는 마약거래자들을 다 체포 했데)
B : Good riddance to bad rubbish(다행이다 정말)
good sport : person who loses well
A : I like playing tennis with him. He doesn't (나 걔랑 테니스 하는거 좋아해)
B : Yes, he's a really good sport(그래, 걘 정말 운동 날하더라)
go off : leave, depart
A : Where did he go?(걔 어디 갔어?
B : He went off to Europe(유럽 갔어)
go off : explode, be ignited
A : Did you hear the military exercises last night?(군인들이 체조하는거 들었어?)
B : Yes, there was gunfire going off the early morning(어 아침 일찍부터 총쏴대고 그러는 것 같더라)
go off : begin to ring or buzz
A : What time did your alarm clock go off this morning?(오늘 아침에 네 알람 몇시에 울렸어?)
B : Seven o'clock am(7시 쯤에)
go off half-cocked : act or speak before being ready
A : The hockey team didn't score one goal last night(어젯 밤에 우리 하키 팀이 한점도 못냈어)
B : That's because they went off half-cocked when they tried to score(너무 이길 수 있다고 게인전에 떠들어 댔기 때문에 그런지도 몰라)
go off the deep end : give way to emotion
A : He started screaming at the boss, then he got fired.(사장님한테 막 소리 지르더니 짤렸어)
B : Yeah, he really went off the deep end(그래 걔 갈 때까지 간 것 같더라)
goof off : fool around, not work or be serious
A : Will you guys please stop acting silly?(장난 좀 그만 칠래?)
B : Yeah, you guys. Stop goofing off!(그래. 장난좀 그만쳐!)
go on : continue
A : And also...oh, did you want to say something?(그리구...뭐라구?)
B : No, no. Please go on(아냐 아냐 계속해)
go on : talk for too long
A : She never stops talking(말이 끝이 없네)
B : I know she can go on forever(아마 끝없이 떠들어 댈 수도 있을까?)
go on : put on, fit on
A : Where does this part belong?(이부분은 어디 들어가?)
B : It goes on the carburetor(기화기의 한 부분이야)
go (someone) one better : do something better than someone else, do more or be better than someone
A : He always has to be the best at everything he does(걘 항상 뭐든지 일등 할려고만해)
B : Yeah, he always has to go one better(어 걘 항상 뭐든지 잘해야해)
go one`s own way : go or act the way one wants
A : You don't follow your parent's rules?(부모님 이 하라는데로 안해?)
B : No. I go my own way(아니 난 내 방식 데로 할거야)
go out of one`s way : make an extra effort
A : You sure try hard at work(정말 열심히 일하더라)
B : Yes, I go out of my way to do a good job(그래 항상 최선을 다할려고 노력하지)
go out the window : be abandoned, go out of effect
A : So you abonded your previous plan to merge companies?(흡수합병하기 위해 계획을 바꿨다며?)
B : Yes, that plan has gone out the window (그래 그 전 계획은 이제 쓸모가 없어졌어)
go out with (someone) : date or be dating someone
A : Do you have a girl friend?(여자 친구 있니?)
B : Yes, I'm going out with a really nice girl(어 정말 괜찮은 여자를 만나고 있어)
go over : examine
A : Will you examine the evidence?(증거믈 검토해 보셨어요?)
B : Yes, I'll go over it (알았어요 검토해 볼께요)
go over well : be liked, be successful
A : How did the meeting go?(회의 어떻게 됐어?)
B : It went over well (잘 됐어)
go overboard : do something in excess
A : You really went over board with the decorations(장식에 정말 신경 많이 썼구나)
B : I know I bought way too much(알아. 너무 많이 산 것 같아)
go steady : go on dates with the same person all the time, date just one person
A : Are you dating her exclusively?(너 계속해서 그녀와 데이트 하니?)
B : Yes, we're going steady(어 우리 아주 잘되가고 있어)
go straight : become an honest person, lead an honest life
A : He has sure got his life together(이제 정말 열심히 사네)
B : That's because he quit drinking and went straight(요새 게속 술 안마셨기 때문이야)
got a thing going : be engaged in a pleasurable activity with someone else as a partner (in romance or business)
A : His company is doing well and he's dating his secretary(그의 회사는 잘되가고 있고 그는 비서와 데이트하고 있어)
B : Yeah, he's really got a good thing going there(그래 요새 정말 잘나가는 것 같아)
go the whole hog : make a thorough job of something
A : Do you like what I've done with the place?(내가 여기 분위기를 바꿨는데 어떤 것 같아?)
B : Yes, it looks great. You've gone the whole hog(정말 멋진데?정말 꼼꼼하게 잘했는데?)
go through : examine or think about carefully, search
A : Will you examine the evidence?(증거 좀 검토해 보실래요?)
B : Yes, we'll go through it and decide what to do(네 검토후에 어떻게 할지 생각해보죠)
go through : experience, suffer, live through
A : Her husband died last year(그녀의 남편은 작년에 죽었데)
B : She's really been through a lot of grief(그녀에게 많은 고통이 있었지)
go through : be allowed, pass, be agreed upon
A : Officer, we realize there's been an accident here, but can we go through?(경찰 아저씨, 여기서 사고가 났던 것 같아요. 하지만 그냥 지나치면 안될까요?)
B : No, you'll have to wait until the week is cleared(이번주가 지날 때까지 기다려야 할것입니다)
go through changes : be involved in changing circumstances
A : She's really gone through changes (그녀는 정말 많이 변했어)
B : Yes, new job, new car, and a new husband!(그래 새직장, 새 자동차, 새남편!
go through with : finish, do as planned or agreed
A : Are you going to go through with the wedding?(결혼 준비 계속 되가는거죠?)
B : Yeah, I can't change my mind now(그래 이제 와서 마음을 바꾸기엔 틀렸어)
go to one`s head : become conceited
A : Don't flatter that guy. It'll go right to his head(저 사람 한테 아부하지마. 저 사람 으스대잖아)
B : Yeah, he conceited enough as it is(그래 지금 까지 으스댄걸로 충분해)
go to pieces : lose your self-control
A : She's been really upset since her son died(그녀의 아들이 죽자 정말 슬퍼하는 것 같아)
B : Yeah, she's really gone to pieces(그래 그녀은 점점 이성을 잃어 가는 것 같아)
go to pot : deteriorate
A : Your gardener has died(너네 정원사 죽었다)
B : Yes, it has gone to pot(그는 건강이 나빠서 죽었어)
go to rack and ruin : reach a very bad state of repair
A : My house is in bad shape. the paint is peeling, the windows are broken.(우리 집은 정말 상태가 안좋아. 페이트칠은 벗겨 지고 있고 창문이 고장 났어)
B : Yes, it's really gone to rack ruin(그래, 정말 고칠곳이 많구나)
go to town : work fast or hard, do something with much energy
A : Wow! you're really gone to town on your car!(와! 정말 네 차 타구 도시 까지 갔다 왔구나)
B : Yeah, new tires, new paint, and new parts(그래 새 바퀴, 새 칠, 속안에도 싹 새로 바꿨지)
go up in smoke/flames : burn or be destroyed by fire, fail, not come true (dreams)
A : What happened to your house?(너네 집 어떻게 된거야?)
B : It caught on fire and went up in smoke(불에 타서 연기로 변했어)
go without saying : be so easy to see that it doesn`t have to be mentioned
A : If the rains come, the fields will be wet(비가 오면 벌판이 다 젖을거야)
B : That goes without saying(그건 말하나마나지)
grasp at straws : try something with little hope of succeeding, depend on something that is useless in a time of
A : He's trying everything to keep his company going(그는 회사를 위해 뭐든지 하고 있어)
B : Yeah, he's really grasping at straws(지푸라기라도 잡아보자는 심정이지)
grass is always greener on the other side : a place or thing that is far away or different seems better than what we have or where we are
A : Canada would be such a better place to live then here(여기보다 캐나다가 살긴 훨씬 좋아)
B : There are probelems there too, you know. The grass is always greener on the side of the fence(거기두 단점이 있기는 마찬가지야. 남에 떡이 더 맛있어 보이는 법이야)
gravy train : job that gives one a lot of money compared with what you do
A : He's getting paid on outrageous amount of money at his job(걔 월급 정말 엄청나게 많이 받아)
B : Yeah, he's really riding the gravy train(그래, 그는 다른 사람들보다 훨씬 많이 받아)
grease one`s palm : give money or pay for some special favor
A : How did he get his criminal charges drooped?(그 사람은 어떻게 그의 현의로부터 빠져 나왔어?)
B : By greasing the right palms(가서 열심히 빌었지)
greasy spoon : a small, cheap eating place with basic but not-so-good food
A : Let's go get a cheap hamburger. ok. there's a greasy spoon down the street(햄버거나 먹으러 가자. 이쪽으로 계속 걸어가다 보면 분식집 있을거야.
B : Ok. there's a greasy spoon down the street(그래 그 분식짐으로 가자)
green : be inexperienced or immature
A : He's a rookie at his job. He's inexperienced(그는 너무 서툴러. 경험이 없어 보여)
B : Yeah, he's green(그래 좀더 직장생활을 겪어봐야할거야)
green thumb : skill in making plants grow
A : He's garden is always so lush and beautiful(그의 정원은 항상 푸르고 아름다워)
B : Yes, he has a real green thumb(그래, 그는 정말 기술도 좋아)
green with envy : very jealous, full of envy
A : He was green with envy when he saw your girlfriend(네 여자친구를 보자 되게 질투가 나나봐)
B : Yeah, I think he likes her a lot(그래 그녀를 되게 좋아하나봐)
grind to a halt : slow down and stop (like a machine when it is turned off)
A : The city power went off today(오늘 도시 전력이 나갔어)
B : Yes, and the city grind to a halt(그래 그런다음 모든 게 멈춰 버렸지)
ground floor : the first or best chance - especially in a business
A : Where is the post office? On the first floor?(우체국이 어디야? 일층이야?)
B : It's on ground floor, yes(지하실에 있어)
gum up : cause not to work, ruin something, make something go wrong
A : The plan was going fine until you gummed it up(네가 끼어들기 전에는 계획대로 잘 되가고 있었어)
B : Sorry. I'm sorry I ruined the plan(미안, 계획에 차질을 줘서 미안해)
gun for someone : look hard for a chance to harm or defeat someone
A : Scott is really trying to get George fired from work(스콧은 조지가 짤리도록 만들고 있어)
B : Yeah, he's really gunning for him(그래 정말 조지를 노리구 있어)
gun for something : try very hard to get (prize or promotion etc.)
A : The Yankees really want to win the championship(양키즈는 챔피언쉽에서 정말 이기기를 원하고 있어)
B : Yeah, they are really gunning for it!(그래 정말 이길려고 하고 있지)
gung-ho : enthusiastic, full of eagerness
A : He's really enthusiastic about his new job(그는 그의 일에 대해 정말 적극적이야)
B : Yeah, he's gung-ho(그래 정말 적극적인 것 같아)
'Don''t give up' 카테고리의 다른 글
[스크랩] 중요숙어정리 I (0) | 2007.11.30 |
[스크랩] 중요숙어정리 H (0) | 2007.11.30 |
[스크랩] 중요숙어정리 F (0) | 2007.11.30 |
[스크랩] 중요숙어정리 E (0) | 2007.11.30 |
[스크랩] 중요숙어정리 D (0) | 2007.11.30 |