had better : should do something
A : You had better do something about those mice(저 쥐들 어떻게 좀 해봐)
B : Ok, I'll call on exterminator(알았어, 건물 해충 구제업자에게 전화해봐)
hair stand on end : become frightened or afraid of something
A : Did you see that horror movie?(그 공보 영화 봤어?)
B : Yes, it made my hair stand on end(어 봤어, 정말 무섭더라)
hale and hearty : in very good health, well and strong
A : You look healthy (건강해 보이는데?)
B : Yes, I'm hale and hearty these days(어 요새 많이 건강해 졌어)
half-baked : foolish
A : That's a really half-baked plan you have come up with(정말 바보 같은 계획이야)
B : Don't be so critical. It isn't finalised yet(너무 비판적으로 그러지마. 이게 최종은 아니야)
half the battle : a large part of the work
A : How will our president reduce poverty?(어떻게 사장님은 이 곤란에서 헤어나오게 해줄 수 있을까?)
B : Well, I think he shoud raise wages. But creating employment is half the battle(글세 우선 임금을 높이는게 좋을 것 같아. 하지만 사람을 고용 하는건 더 힘들거야)
hammer out : remove, work out by discussion and debate
A : How will we come to an agreement?(결론이 어떻게 내려졌어?)
B : We'll hammer one out at tomorrow's meeting(내일 회의때 결론이 나겠지)
hand down : arrange to give something to someone after your death
A : Where did you get your antiques?(이 골동품들 다 어디서 났어?)
B : They were handed down from my grandfather(우리 할아버지로 부터 대대로 내려온 물건들이야)
hand in : give to someone, hand to someone
A : When is the essay due?(그 수필 언제 까지 써내야 하는거야?)
B : Hand it in to me next friday(다음주 금요일날 까지 줘)
hand it to (someone) : give credit or praise to someone
A : You've got to hand it to Scott, he did a great job(스콧한테 넘겨, 그는 정말 잘했더라)
B : Yes, an exceptional job(정말 잘한 것 같더라)
handle with kid gloves : be very careful handling someone or something
A : Please becareful with that box. there's explosives in there(그 박스 조심해서 다뤄. 그안에 폭탄이 들어 있단 말야)
B : We'll handle it with kid gloves sir(아주 조심조심해서 다루겠습니다)
hand-me-down : something given away after another person doesn`t need it (especially clothing)
A : His family is too poor to buy him new clothes(걔네 집은 너무 가난해서 옷사입을 돈도 없대)
B : Yes, he wears hand-me downs(그래, 걘 옷도 얻어서 입더라)
hand out : give things of the same kind to several people
A : Are those the assignments for next week?(그게 다음주 숙제야?)
B : Yes, please hand them out to the students for me (그래, 학생들에게 좀 나눠줘)
hand-out : a gift - usually from the government
A : What do poor people do for food?(가난한 사람들은 음식 먹을려고 어떻게 할까?)
B : They get handouts from restaurants and soup kitchens(정부에서 나오는 음식을 먹어)
hand-out : sheet of paper given to students or people who attend a meeting etc.
A : What are your next assignment proffessor?(박사님 다음 실험은 뭐죠?)
B : I'll give you hand-outs next class(다음 시간엔 프린트를 나눠줄께)
hand over : give control or possession to someone, give something to another person
A : I have the money I owe you(너 한테 꾼돈 지금 나한테 있어)
B : I've been waiting forever. Hand it over(정말 오래 기다렸다. 빨리 줘)
hand over fist : rapidly
A : His company has been making record profits(그가 다니는 회사는 돈을 많이 벌었어)
B : Yes, he's making profits hand-over-fist(그사람은 돈을 굉장히 빨리 모으고 있어)
(one`s) hands are tied : unable to help
A : Can't you you help me with my car?(내 차 고치는데 좀 도와 줄래?)
B : I'm busy right now. Sorry my hands are tied(지금 좀 바빠. 못 도와줘서 미안해)
hands down : easy, unopposed
A : Do you like my idea?(내 아이디어 어때?)
B : Yes, it's far by the best one hands down(굉장히 특출한 아이디어인데?)
hands off : leave alone, don`t interfere
A : Do you mind if I borrow your car? maybe I can wash it for you?(네 차 밀려 써도 되겠니? 차 청소도 해둘께)
B : No way! Hands off!(안돼! 내차 가만히 놔둬)
hand something to someone on a silver platter : give a person something that has not been earned
A : His parents were rich. He hasn't worked a day in his life(그의 부모님은 부자야. 걘 일해 본적이 거의 없어)
B : Yes, He has had everything handed to him on a silver platter(네, 그가 직접 벌어서 쓴건 하나도 없어)
hand to mouth : having only enough money for basic living
A : Do you have much money these days?(요새 돈좀 있어?)
B : No, any money I make goes hand to mouth(그냥 겨우 먹고 살뿐이야)
handwriting on the wall : a sign that something bad will happen
A : The newspaper predict a large disaster in our city(우리 도시에 큰일이 벌어질거라고 신문에 나왔어)
B : Yes, the writing is on the wall(그래, 벽에 그렇게 써있네)
handy : can easily fix things
A : He's good at fixing things (그는 물건 고치는걸 잘해)
B : Yes. he's quite handy(그래 그는 뭐 고치는걸 잘해)
hang around : pass time or stay someplace without any real purpose or aim
A : Why are those kids standing in that park?(저 애들 왜 공원에 서 있지?)
B : They're just hanging around, I guess(그들은 그냥 공원 주위를 돌아 다니는거야)
hang back : stay some distance behind or away, hesitate or be unwilling to do something
A : The river is too high. We'll have to cross later(강 수위가 너무 높다. 나중에 건너야 겠다)
B : Ok let's hang back for now(그래 좀 기다렸다 가자)
hang by a thread : be in doubt, depend on a very small thing
A : The boss is angry at you. He may fire you(사장님이 너한테 화나 있어. 널 해고 시킬지도 몰라)
B : Yes, my job is hanging by a thread(그래 내 모가지가 언제 날라갈지 몰라)
hang in the balance : have two equally possible results, be uncertain
A : What will happen when you divorce your wife?(와이프랑 이혼 하면 뭐할거야?)
B : Well, my future is hanging in the balance. I don't know(솔직히 뭘 해야될지 모르겠어. 정말 모르겠어)
hang in (there) : persevere, don`t give up
A : I don't think I can deal with the stress at my job(내 일에 대한 스트레스 때문에 못 살겠어)
B : Hang in there, things will get better(조금만 참아, 좀 나아질거야)
Hang it : a rather old expression! used to express annoyance or disappointment
A : Am I annoying you?(내가 널 괴롭히고 있는거니?)
B : Yes! Hang it!(그래! 괴롭히고 있잖아!)
hang on : continue
A : I can't finish the race. I'm too tired(더 이상 못 뛰겠어. 너무 힘들어)
B : Hang-on you're almost there!(조금만 참아. 거의다 왔어)
hang on : wait, continue listening on the telephone
A : Oh, can you hang-on a moment? Someone's at the door(잠깐만 기다려줄래? 초인종이 울려.
B : Yes, I'll wait(그래 기다릴께)
hang one on : get very drunk
A : Did you get drunk last night?(어젯밤에 술 많이 마셨어?)
B : All right I'll quiet down(알았어 조용히 할께)
hang on to : hold tightly, keep firmly
A : Will you keep that old car?(그 낡은 차 그냥 놔둘꺼야?)
B : Yes, I'm going to hang on to it(네, 그냥 가지고 있을려구요)
hang out : spend one`s time idly or lounging about, spend time with someone or a group of people
A : What will you do this weekend?(이번주에 뭐 할거야?)
B : I'm going to hang out at my friend's house(내 친구 집에 놀러갈거야)
hang out one`s shingle : notify the public of the opening of an office - especially a doctor`s or lawyer`s office
A : Did you open your new clinic doctor?(의사 선생님 병원 새로 여셨어요?)
B : Yes, I hung out the shingle this morning(네, 새로 오픈 했다구 써서 붙였어)
hang up : place on a hook, peg or hangar
A : Where can I hang up my jacket?(자켓 어디다 걸지)
B : In the closet please(옷장에 걸어)
hang up : place a telephone receiver back on the telephone and break the connection
A : What did you do when she broke up with you?(그녀는 너랑 헤어지고 나서 뭐 했어?)
B : She broke up with me on the phone, so I just hung up on her(전화로 헤어졌으니깐 그냥 끊었지 뭐)
hang-up : a delay in some process
A : What's the delay with the new schedule?(새로 짠 스케줄 왜 이렇게 자꾸 연기 되?)
B : Oh, there's a hang-up with the computer(어...컴퓨터가 좀 느리게 작동되서)
hang-up : an inhibition, a neurotic reaction to some life situation
A : What's wrong with her?(저 여자 외그래?)
B : She has some emotional hang-ups concerning her ex-husband(전 남편에 대해 억제하는 마음이 아직도 남아 있나봐)
happy hour : a time in bars or restaurants when drinks are served at a discount
A : I want to get drunk tonight, but I don't have much money(오늘 좀 취하고 싶다. 근데 돈이 별로 없어)
B : We'll go to the bar at happy hour, and drink as fast as we can(할인 되는 시간에 가서 잽싸게 많이 마시자)
hard and fast rule : rules that cannot be altered to fit special cases
A : Is it considered impolite to walk while eating in Korea?(걸어다니면서 먹는게 예의에 어굿나는 일인가요?)
B : No, nowadays it isn't a hard and fast rule(아니 요새는 안그래)
hard as nails : physically very fit and strong, rough, stern
A : That man can endure all forms of physical pain(저 남자는 어떤 신체적 아픔도 다 참아네)
B : Yeah, he's tough as nails(그래 저사람은 정말 단단하고 튼튼해)
hard feelings : anger or bitterness
A : Let's apologize to each other and forget the past, ok?(지난 일은 다 잊어 버리구 서로 사과하자 응?)
B : Ok, no hard feelings(알았어, 미안하다)
hard-nosed : not weak or soft, stubborn - especially in a fight, contest or negotiations
A : Our boss is tough. He's stubborn, and never let's us speak our minds(우리 사장님은 고집불통이야. 우리 의견은 들어볼려구 하지도 않아)
B : Yeah, he's really a hard nose(그래 사장님은 정말 고집 불통이야)
hard nut to crack : a person or thing not easily understood or influenced
A : Learning physics is impossible!(물리학은 정말 어려워!)
B : Yeah, It's a hard nut to crack(그래, 정말 배우긴 힘든 과목이야)
hard on (someone/something) : treat something/someone roughly
A : He is very strict with his son(그는 그의 아들에게 매우 엄격하게해)
B : Yes, he's very hard on him(그래 정말 숨도 못쉬게 하는 것 같더라)
hard pressed : burdened with urgent business
A : Can you come to the lake this weekend?(이번주말에 강가로 올 수 있어?)
B : No. I'm hard pressed to find time right now(요샌 정말 그런 여유를 찾기가 힘들어)
hard sell : selling something very aggressively and with great eagerness
A : Did you convince him to sign the contract?(그 계약서에 싸인 하도록 설득 시켰어?)
B : No, he's a real hard sell(아니, 그는 정말 적극적인 사람이야)
hard up : short of money
A : That poor guy. he can't even afford coffee(그 가난한 사람은 커피마실 돈도 없어)
B : Yeah, he's really hard up(그래 그는 정말 돈이 없나봐)
harp on : talk repeatedly and tediously about something
A : She never seems to stop talking!(그녀는 정말 말이 많다)
B : Yes, she really harps on...(그녀는 무슨 그렇게 할말이 많은지..)
hassle : bothersome
A : My car keeps on breaking down(내 차가 자꾸 고장나)
B : Oh, what a hassle(정말 짜증 나네)
hatchet man : a politician etc. whose job it is to say negative things about the opposition, a person in a company who must fire extra workers or cut other expenses etc.
A : That politician bases the success of his champaign on scandalizing the opposition(저 정치가는 현재 맞서고 있는 반대 파에 대한 스캔들을 이루는데 성공 했습니다.
B : Yes, he's a quite a hatchet man(그렇습니다, 그는 영리한 정치가야)
hate one`s guts : feel very strong dislike for someone
A : Do you like that guy?(저 사람 괜찮아?)
B : No, I hate his guts(아니, 저 사람 정말 싫어)
have a ball : have a good time
A : Did you have good time last night?(어제 재미있게 놀았어?)
B : Yes, I had a ball(그래, 정말 재미 있었어)
have a crush on : be attracted to someone
A : Do you like her?(그녀를 좋아해?)
B : Yes, I've really got a crush on her(그래, 그녀와 정말 사랑에 빠져 있어)
have a fit : become upset
A : He was quite angry when I told him the news(내가 그 소식을 전하자 그는 꽤 화났었어)
B : Yes, he really had a fit(그래, 그는 정말 실망이 컸나봐)
have a go at : try something especially after others have tried it
A : Would you like to try golfing this weekend?(오늘 주말부터 골프 배워 볼래?)
B : Sure, I'll have go at it(좋아, 나도 한번 해볼려고 했어)
have a hand in : be partly responsible for something
A : Was your son the only one involved in the crime?(네 아들만 그 사건엔 연류 ?었던거니?)
B : No, some others had a hand in it too(아니, 다른 공범 들도 있었어)
have a head on one`s shoulders : be smart or sensible
A : He's quite sensible guy(그는 참 현명한 사람이야)
B : Yes, he really got his head on his shoulders(그래 그사람은 정말 영리해)
have an edge on : have an advantage (over someone)
A : The blue Jays have an injured pitcher. The Yahkees don't(블루제이스는 팀원 중에 부상 당한 투수가 있어)
B : Yes, the Yankees really have an edge on the Jays(그래, 양키즈는 블루제이스랑 게임 할 때 좋은 이점을 가지고 있어)
have an eye for : have good taste in something, be able to judge correctly
A : He has really nice clothes. He dresses as well(그의 옷들은 다 멋있어. 그는 옷을 잘 입어)
B : He really has an eye for fashion(그는 패션 감각이 뛰어나)
(not) have anything to do with someone : (not) want to be a friend of or work or have business with someone
A : He betrayed your trust?(그가 널 배신 했니?)
B : Yes, I'm not going to have anything to do with him anymore(이제 난 그와 아무런 관계도 없어)
have a screw loose : act in a strange way, be foolish
A : There's something wrong with that guy(저사람한테 무슨 문제가 있는 것 같아)
B : Yeah, I think he has a screw loose(그래, 그는 나사가 풀린 사람 같아)
have a time : have trouble, have a hard time
A : Man, I had quite a time trying to teach those kids(그 애들 가르치느라 정말 힘들었어)
B : Yes, they are real troublemakers(그래 그 애들은 정말 말썽꾸러기들이야)
have a time : have a good time, have fun
A : Did you have fun last night?(어젯밤 재미 있었니?)
B : Yes, I had quite a time(그래 꽤 재미 있었어)
have a way with : be able to lead, persuade or influence others
A : President Clinton is really popular(클린턴 대통령은 정말 인기 만점이야)
B : Yes, he really has a way with people(그래 그는 리더쉽이 굉장한 것 같아)
have a word with : converse briefly
A : Can I have a word with you?(잠깐만 시간 내줄래?)
B : Yes, What would you like to talk about?(알았어, 뭐 때문에 그래?)
have been around : have been to many places and done many things, be experienced
A : He has traveled the world and seen many things(그는 세계 여행을 하면서 많은 것을 봤어)
B : Yes, he's really been around (그래, 정말 많이 돌아 다녔더라)
have dibs on : demand a share of something or be in line to use something
A : Can I sit in the front seat?(맨 앞자리에 앉으면 안될까요?)
B : No, I have dibs on it (여기 자리 있는데요?)
have egg on one`s face : be embarrassed
A : I really was embarrased when he told me the news(그가 소식을 전하자 너무 부끄러웠어요)
B : Yeah you had egg on your face(그래. 네 얼굴에 먹칠을 한 셈이야)
have eyes only for : give all one`s attention to, be interested only in
A : Are you having an affair with another man?(다른 남자와 바람 피우고 있니?)
B : No, I only have eyes for you(아니야, 난 너밖에 없어)
have half a mind : feel tempted or inclined to do something
A : His roof is leaking. But he won't repair it(그의 천장이 새고 있어)
B : Well, if he had half a mind, he'd get it fixed(그가 고칠 마음이 있었다면 벌써 고쳤을거야)
have had it (with someone or something) : can`t tolerate anymore
A : How's your job?(직장 잘 다녀?)
B : I'm going to quit. I've had it with the workload!(나 그만 둘거야. 일을 너무 많이 시켜)
have in mind : intend, plan
A : What do you have in mind for the weekend?(주말에 뭐할거야?)
B : I think I'll go swimming(수영하러 갈까 생각 중이야)
have it : hear or get news, understand
A : The president has had it known that he intends to resign(대통령은 사임할거라는걸 사람들한테 알려 줬어)
B : Oh, that's too bad(그거 참 안됐네 정말)
have it : claim, say
A : Do you want your cake with ice cream or without?(케익이랑 아이스크림이랑 같이 먹을래?)
B : Give me two slices. one with and one without. I want to have it both ways(두 조각만 줘. 하나는 아이스크림을 넣고 하나는 없는걸로. 두 방법으로 다 먹어 볼거야))
have it : allow (usually used with will or would)
A : He was thrown in jail(그는 감옥에 들어갔어)
B : Well, he had it coming for the crimes he committed(그의 죄로 볼 때 그럴만도 해)
have it : get or find the answer
A : My boss really seems to dislike me (우리 사장님은 정말 날 싫어해)
B : Hmm. Maybe he has it in for you(음. 너를 어떻게 해볼려고 하는 것 아닐까?)
have it both ways : do two things, have both things
A : He's rich, and he has a beautiful wife(그는 부자이고 이쁜 마누라도 있어)
B : Yeah, he really has it made(그래, 그는 정말 성공했어)
have it out with someone : settle or discuss something with someone angrily
A : He argued with his wife all night. I couldn't sleep(그가 밤 새도록 그의 부인과 싸우는 바람에 한숨도 못 잤어)
B : Sounds like they really had it out with each other(올게 드디어 왔다는 생각이 들어)
have on : be wearing something
A : What's that you have on?(지금 뭐 입고 있어?)
B : It's my new Halloween custume(내 새 할로윈 복장이야)
have one`s ass in a sling : be in an uncomfortable predicament, be at a disadvantage
A : The police suspect him. They'll arrest him soon(경찰은 그를 의심하고 있어. 그를 곧 체포할거야)
B : Boy, he's really got his ass in a sling(그래 그는 정말 안좋은 상황까지 왔어)
have one`s eye on : have a wish for something, have as an aim, look or think about something
A : Do you want to buy her that ring?(그녀 한테 저 반지 선물 할거야?)
B : Yes, I've got my eye on that ring in particular(어 내가 특별히 찍어 놓은 반지야)
have one`s feet on the ground : be practical or sensible
A : He's quite a sensible man (그는 현명한 사람이야)
B : Yes, he's really got his feet on the ground(그래 그는 정말 쓸모 있는 사람이야)
have one`s heart set on something : want something very much
A : You want to travel to Korea next year?(내년에 한국으로 여행 갈거야?)
B : Yes, I really have my heart set on it (어 그래 이번엔 무슨 일이 있더라도 갈거야)
have over : invite someone to your house
A : Who are you having over for dinner tonight?(오늘 저녁 식사 누구 초대 할거야?)
B : Oh, just a few friends(어, 그냥 내 친한 친구들 초대 할거야)
have rocks in one`s head : be stupid, not have good judgement
A : He keeps failing the exam (그는 시험에 떨어져)
B : Yeah, he got rocks in his head(그래 그는 머리에 돌밖에 안들었나봐)
have (something) going for one : have ability, talent or good looks
A : She's good looking, but she isn't very smart(그녀는 아름다워, 하지만 영리 하지는 않아)
B : Well, at least she has her looks going for her(어쨌든 뭐 이쁘니까 뭐..)
have something on someone : have information or proof that someone did sometning wrong
A : How will the police convict him?(경찰들이 그가 유죄라는걸 어떻게 알아냈지?)
B : Oh, they've got something on him (어 그들은 그에 대한 많은 정보를 갖고 있거든)
have something on the ball : be smart, clever, skilled
A : He's always at work on time. He's really responsible(그는 항상 일찍 출근해. 그는 정말 책임감이 강해)
B : Yes, he's really on the ball(그래 그는 정말 영리한 사람이야)
have something up one`s sleeve : something kept secretly ready for the right time
A : I think he's secretly planning something(그는 뭔가 비밀리에 계획을 세우고 있는 것 같아)
B : Yes, I think he has something up his sleeve(그래 그는 뭔가 일을 꾸미고 있어)
have sticky fingers : be a thief
A : He's a thief(그는 도둑놈이야)
B : Yeah, he got sticky fingers(그래 맞아 그는 도둑놈이야)
have the last laugh : make someone seem foolish for having laughed at you first
A : He flattened her ties, but then she burned his garbage down and left town(그는 그녀의 차를 빵구 냈는데 그녀는 그의 차고에 불을내고 도망 갔어)
B : Looks like she got the last laugh(결국엔 그녀의 승리가 되었지)
have (got) to : obliged or forced to, must
A : Do you have to stay home tonight?(오늘밤 집에 있어야해?)
B :Yes, I have to(그래 있어야되)
have to do with : be about or on the subject or connected with something
A : He always wears the same thing (그는 항상 똑같은 옷을 입어)
B : What does that have to do with his temper probelem? Please don't change the subject(그의 성격과 그게 무슨 상관이야?)
have two strikes against one : have things working against one, be in a difficult situation
A : One more mistake and and I'm going to get fired(그런 실수 또 하면 나 해고 당할지도 몰라)
B : Looks like you've got two strikes against you (너 지금 굉장히 안좋은 상황에 처해 있구나)
haywire : broken or confused
A : That computer is broken (저 컴퓨터는 고장났어)
B : Yeah, its gone haywire(그래 완전히 고장 났어)
head above water : out of difficulty, clear of trouble
A : So you're out of debt?(이제 빛 다 갚은거야?)
B : Yes, finally have my head above water(그래 이제서야 좀 살 것 같아)
head-hunting : search for qualified individuals to fill certain positions
A : So you're looking for new recruits for you company?(그래서 새로운 직원들을 모집 하고 있다며?)
B : Yes, I'm headhunting(그래, 가장 알맞는 사람을 뽑을려고 노력하고 있지)
head in the clouds : daydreaming
A : He's a real daydreamer (그는 공상력이 뛰어나)
B : Yes, he's always got his head in the clouds(그래 그는 항상 공상속에서 살아)
head off : get in front of and stop, turn back
A : Where did he go?(그 사람 어디 갔어?)
B : He headed off to the bar(그는 빠를 향해 갔어)
head off : block, stop, prevent
A : How will we stop them (그들을 어떻게 잡지?)
B : We'll head them off at the river(강가에서 포위하자))
head-on : front end to front end, with the front facing
A : What a horrible car accident(정말 끔찍한 교통사고구나)
B : Yes, it was head-on collision(그래 완전히 정면으로 부?혔어)
head-on : in a way that is exactly opposite, opposed to someone in an argument or fight
A : What will you do after you've travelled to Korea?(한국을 방문한뒤 어디로 갈거야?)
B : I'll head-on to China(난 중국으로 갈거야)
head out : leave, start out
A : When are you leaving?(언제 떠날거야?)
B : I'm heading out of town in the morning(내일 아침 이도시를 떠날거야)
head over heels : upside down, head first
A : Did you see him fall down the stairs?(그사람 계단에서 떨어지는 것 봤어?)
B : Yes, he went head over heels(그래 완전히 고꾸라졌더라)
head over heels : completely, deeply
A : Do you love her?(그녀를 사랑해?)
B : Yes, I'm head over heels in love(그래 난 완전히 사랑에 빠져 있어)
head shrinker : psychiatrist
A : Do you have an appointment with a psychiatrist?(그 심리학자랑 예약이 되어 있어?)
B : Yes, I'm seeing a shrink next week(그래 다음주 쯤에 보러 갈거야)
head start : to leave or start something before others
A : You started running before the gun is fired(출발 신호가 떨어지기 전에 뛰었어)
B : No, I didn't. I didn't get a head start!(아니야. 먼저 출발하지 않았어)
head up : be at the head of (a group), a leader
A : I just saw the boss arrive. Act busy!(지금 막 사장님 들어 오셨다. 일하는척해)
B : Ok. Thanks for the head up(짱 봐줘서 고마워)
hear from : receive a letter/phone call/news from someone
A : Have you heard from your brother?(네 동생으로부터 소식 왔었어?)
B : No, he hasn't contacted me(아니 아직 안왔어)
heart goes out to someone : one feels sympathy for someone
A : Her father just died(그녀의 아버지는 최근에 돌아가셨어)
B : Oh, my heart goes out to her(그녀가 정말 안됐다는 생각이 들어)
heart is in the right place : be kindhearted, sympathetic, have good intentions
A : He's disorganized, but he always tries to help the homeless(그는 좀 덤벙댈 때가 많아. 하지만 집없는 고아를 항상 돕지)
B : Well, at least his heart's in the right place(그래, 어쨋든 동정적인 마음이 있는게 다행이네)
heart of gold : a kind, generous or forgiving personality
A : He' so nice. He's really humanitarian(그는 참 친절해. 그는 참 인도주의적인 사람이야)
B : Yes, he has really a heart of gold (그래 그는 정말 자상하고 친절한 사람이야)
heart of stone : someone with a nature with no pity
A : He never gives to charities. He has no feeling for people(그는 가난한 사람들에게 배풀줄을 몰라, 그는 너무 냉정해)
B : Yeah, he's got a heart of stone(그래. 그는 얼음장 같아)
heart skip a beat : be startled or excited from surprise, joy or fright
A : The lightening storm really scared me(저 번개 치는 소리는 정말 날 겁먹게해)
B : Me too, when it started, my heart shipped a beat(나도. 폭풍이 치기 시작 했을 때 정말 놀랬어)
heart stands still : be very frightened or worried
A : It sounds like you were really scared when it happened(그 일이 일어났을 때 정말 놀랬지)
B : I was. I was so scared, my heart stood still(그래 너무 무서웠어, 내 심장이 멈추는지 알았어)
heart-to-heart : honest or intimate
A : Did you have a good talk with your daughter?(네 딸이랑 얘기 좀 많이 했어?)
B : Yes, we had a heart-to-heart(그래 맘 툭 터 놓고 얘기 했지)
heavy heart : a feeling of sadness or unhappiness
A : That story was so sad(그 얘기는 너무 슬펐어)
B : Yes, it gave me a really heavy heart(그래 정말 날 슬프게 했어)
hedge in : keep from getting out or moving freely, block in
A : I can't get out of this parking lot. The exit is blocked(이 주차장에서 벗어날 수 가 없어. 출구가 막혀 있어)
B : Yes, we are hedged in(그래. 완전히 갖혀 버렸어)
hell and high water : troubles or difficulties of any kind
A : You're going to stay here, no matter what happens?(무슨일이 있든간에 여길 지킬꺼야?)
B : I'm staying no matter what-come hell or high water!(하늘이 무너진다 해도 난 여길 지키고야 말거야)
hell-on-wheels : a short-tempered, nagging or crabby person
A : He's really a grumpy old man(그는 정말 잔소리 많은 늙은이야)
B : Yeah, he's hell-on-wheels(그래 정말 화도 잘내더라)
helter-skelter : in a confusing group, in disorder
A : The power failure created a state of panic in the city(도시에 있었던 그 정전은 도시를 아수라장으로 만들었어)
B : Yes, the whole city was helter-skelter(그래, 완전히 엉망진창으로 만들었지)
hem and haw : avoid giving a clear answer, be evasive in speech
A : He never answers questions. He's really evasive(그는 대답을 절대 안해. 그는 정말 종잡을 수 없는 사람이야)
B : Yeah, he hems and haws anytime you ask him something(그래 뭘 물어보든 제대로 대답해 주는게 없어)
here and now : immediately
A : Are you thinking about the future?(미래에 대해서 생각 하고 있니?)
B : No, I'm trying to focus on the here and now(아니, 나는 그냥 지금 상황에 대해서 생각하고 있었어)
here and there : in various places, go to various places
A : Where have you travelled?(어디어디 여행 했어?)
B : Oh, various places. Here and there(다양한 곳들을 여행 했지. 여기저기)
here goes : ready to begin while hoping for the best
A : Ok, let go of the rope!(자, 이제 밧줄을 놓으세요!)
B : Alright .... Here goes!(그래 ...간다!)
here goes nothing : ready to begin - but it will be a waste of time and will probably fail
A : Are you ready to start the game?(게임 시작할 준비 됐어?)
B : Yeah, but you're better than me. Oh, well, here goes nothing...(그래 하지만 네가 나보다 잘하잖아, 어쨌든 해보자)
hide(bury) one`s head in the sand : keep from knowing something dangerous or unpleasant
A : He never listens to bad news. He just walks away(그는 나쁜 소식은 들을려고 하지 않아. 그냥 딴데로 가버려)
B : He'd rather bury his hand in the sand, I guess(그냥 모래장에 가서 그의 머리를 묻을 수밖에 없겠네)
high and dry : stranded, out of the current of events
A : He left his wife with no money and no home(그의 부인은 집이나 돈도 안 남겨놓고 떠났어)
B : Yeah, he left her high and dry(그래 아무것도 남기지 않고 떠났어)
high and low : every place
A : Have you looked everywhere for your dog?(네 개 어딨는지 뒤져 봤어?)
B : Yes, I've looked high and low(그래 다 찾아 봤는데 없어)
high and mighty : arrogant
A : He's so arrogant(그는 되게 적극적인 사람이야)
B : Yes, I'm sick of his high and mighty attitude(그래 나는 그사람이 너무 적극적이어서 짜증이나)
high gear : top speed, full activity
A : Look at him go! I didn't know he could run so fast!(저사람 가는 것 좀 봐! 저렇게 빨리 달릴줄은 몰랐는걸?)
B : Yeah, he's really shifted into high gear!(그래, 저사람은 지금 최고 속력을 내고 있는걸?)
high-handed : bossy, dictatorial, depending on force rather than what is right
A : His boss is really mean. He orders his employees around without considering his feelings(그이 사장님은 매우 무서운 사람이야. 직원들의 감정은 아랑곳 하지 않고 자기 맘대로 부려 먹어)
B : Yes, he's quite high-handed when it comes to dealing with his stuff(그래 그의 일에 있어서는 좀 강제적인 면이 없지 않아 있어)
(the) high life : a luxurious existence
A : He's living in luxury. He has so much money(그는 부유한 생활을 해. 그는 돈이 참 많아)
B : Yeah, he's really living the high life(그래, 그는 정말 호화로운 생활을 해)
high seas : the ocean (away from the coast)
A : How long was he lost?(그는 얼마 동안이나 길을 잃고 해맸어?)
B : He was on the high seas for days before he was rescued(그는 구출되기전에 며칠 동안이나 바다위에 떠 다녔어)
(be in) high spirits : have energy, be cheerful
A : You sure seem happy today(오늘 참 기분이 좋아 보인다?)
B : Yes, I'm in high spirits(그래 오늘 기분이 좋은데?)
high time : the time before something should already have been done
A : He's become lazy since he lost his job(그는 실직 당한후 점점 게을러지고 있어)
B : Yeah, it's high time he looked for a new one(그래 이제 다른 새로운걸 찾아볼 때가 됐어)
highway robbery : an extremely high price for something
A : You paid way too much for that car!(너 그차에 너무 많은 돈을 들였어)
B : I know. It was highway robbery, but I really like it!(알아. 아주 높은 가격에 샀지. 그렇지만 난 이차가 맘에 들어)
hire out : accept a job, take employment
A : What will you do for work next month?(다음달 일은 어떻게 할겁니까?)
B : I've been hired out by an internet company(아 저는 인터넷 회사에 취직 할겁니다)
hire out : rent to someone
A : Have you rented the apartment?(그 아파트 전세 줬어?)
B : Yes, I've hired it out(그래 전세 줬지)
hit and miss : unplanned, uncontrolled, aimless, careless
A : How do I find clients for your product(당신의 그 제품을 팔기 위해 고객들을 어떻게 끌어모을 겁니까?)
B : Telemarketing. It's hit and miss(텔레비젼 쇼핑을 이용할겁니다. 효력이 있을지 없을지는 모르겠지만 말이에요)
hit-and-run : an accident where the driver of the car drives away without leaving his address
A : He hit her with his car, then sped away(그는 그녀의 차를 치고 도망 갔어)
B : A hit-and-run(뺑소니 차구나)
hit bottom : be at the very lowest, not be able to go any lower
A : He's so depressed. His life's ruined(그는 정말 우울해져 있어. 그의 인생은 이제 끝나 버렸어)
B : Yeah, he's really hit bottom(그래, 그는 갈 때 까지 갔어)
hitch one`s wagon to a star : aim high, follow a great ambition or purpose
A : He's running for president(그는 대통령 선거에 출마해)
B : Yeah, he's really hitched his wagon to a star((그래 그는 스타가 되기 위해 그의 목표를 정했어)
hither and thither : in one direction and then in another
A : That dog is running all over the place!(저 개는 여기저기 뛰어다니지 않는데가 없네)
B : Yeah, it keeps going hither and thither with no purpose(그래 가는곳 없이 여기저기 뛰어 돌아다니기만 하네)
hit it off with someone : get along well with someone
A : So your first date went well?(그래 네 첫 데이트는 잘 됐니?)
B : Yeah, I really hit it off with her(그래, 아주 잘됐어)
hit on/upon : find what you want or think of something by chance
A : Maybe, he's angry because of the hockey game last night. His team lost, and he'd bet money on them(어쩌면 그는 어젯밤 하키게임에 동을 걸었는데 져서 화나 있는거 아냐?)
B : Hmm. I think you may have hit on something there(음. 그래 네 생각이 맞는 것 같구나)
hit parade : a list of songs arranged in order of popularity
A : Do you like that radio station?(너는 그 라디오 프로그램이 좋으니?)
B : No, they only play the top hundred songs. It's a hit parade(그래 100개가 넘는 음악을 틀어줘. 인기 순대로 틀어준다)
hit someone between the eyes : make a strong impression on someone, surprise greatly
A : Was he surprised when he heard the news?(그뉴스를 듣자 놀라해?)
B : Yeah, it hit him right between the eyes(그래 그는 정말 놀란 것 같더라)
hit the books : study or prepare for class
A : Our exams start next week(다음주부터 시험이야)
B : Yes, it's time to hit the book(그래 이제부터 공부하기 시작해야지)
hit the bottle : drink alcohol (usually a negative meaning)
A : Is he drinking again?(걔 또 술마시기 시작했어?)
B : Yeah, he's hit the bottle(그래 또 마시기 시작했어)
hit the bull`s-eye : go to the most import!ant part of a matter, reach the main question
A : So, my power will be disconnected immediately if I don't make a payment today?(음 그래서 내가 오늘 전기세를 대지 않으면 전기가 끊긴단 말야?)
B : Yes, Bull's-eye(그래 바로 맞췄어)
hit the ceiling : get angry
A : What did he do when he heard the bad news?(그 나쁜 소식을 듣자 어떻게 했어?)
B : He got really angry. He hit the ceiling(그는 정말 화를 많이 내더라)
hit the deck : get up from bed, start working
A : Come on guys, wake up! Time for work!(야! 이제 다 일어나!일할 시간이야)
B : Ok, We'll shower and then hit the deck(그래 알았어, 샤워 한번 때리고 일하기 시작하자)
hit the dirt : fall on the ground and take cover under gunfire
A : There's gunfire coming from those bushes over there!(저 숲속 저기서 총성이 들려!)
B : Hit the dirt!(엎드려!)
hit the hay : go to bed
A : Are you tired?(피곤해?)
B : Yes, I think I'll hit the hay now(그래 이제 가서 잘거야)
hit the high spots : consider or mention only the more import!ant parts of something
A : Did he mention the bad parts of the plan?(우리 계획의 단점에 대해 말해 주었어?)
B : No, he just hit the high parts(아니 그냥 중요한 점만 안 것 같아)
hit the jackpot : be very lucky or successful
A : He got promoted to CEO?(그가 사장으로 진급했어?)
B : Yes, he hit the jackpot with that company(그래 그사람은 완전히 성공했어)
hit the nail on the head : make a correct guess or analysis
A : I think he lied because he knew he'd get in trouble other wise(어떻게 되든 혼나게 될텐데 우라 한테 거짓말 한 것 같아)
B : You've hit the nail on the road. Exactly(바로 알아맞췄어. 바로 그거야)
hit the road : leave - usually in a car
A : Do you mind if I stay for one more night?(하룻밤 더 여기 있어도 될까?)
B : Yes, I told you I want you to leave. Hit the road!(내가 말했잖아 빨리 떠나라고. 얼른 떠날 준비해!)
hit the roof : become very angry, go into a rage
A : He got really angry when he heard the news(그는 뉴스를 듣자마자 화를 벌컥 냈어)
B : Yeah, he really hit the roof!(그래 정말 화를 벌컥 내더라)
hit the sack : go to bed
A : I'm tired (피곤해)
B : Me too. Let's hit the sack(나도. 자러 가자
hit the sauce : drink alcohol - usually heavily and regularly
A : Man! He's been drinking a lot lately!(요새 와서 술을 너무 많이 마시는 것 같아
B : Yeah, he's really hitting the suace(그래, 그는 술의 뿌리를 뽑을려고 하는 것 같아)
hit the spot : refresh or satisfy
A : That food was delicious!(그 음식 정말 맛있다)
B : Yes, it really hit the spot(그래 아주 만족스러워)
hold a candle to : be in the same class or level with (used with a negative usually), can be compared with
A : She's good-looking, but she doesn't hold a candle to her older sister(그녀는 이뻐, 근데 그녀의 언니와는 상대가 안되)
B : Yes, her older sister is much better looking(그래 알아, 그녀의 언니가 훨씬 이뻐)
hold a grudge : not forgive someone for something
A : Why can't you forgive her?(왜 그녀를 용서 못하지?)
B : Because I hold grudges(그것만은 용서 할 수 없을 것 같아)
hold all the trump cards : have the best chance of winning, have full control
A : We'll never beat them now. they have every advantages(우리가 그들을 이길순 없을거야, 그들은 우리보다 유리한점이 너무 많아)
B : Yes, they hold all the trump cards(그래 그들은 완벽히 모든걸 통제하고 있어)
hold back : stay back or away, show unwillingness, prevent someone from doing something
A : He was in a rage. How did you stop him from attacking him?(그는 격분하고 있어. 그가 그사람을 공격 못하게 어떻게 막았어?)
B : We had to hold him back(그를 말릴 수밖에 없었어)
hold court : act like a king or queen among their subjects
A : She's such an arrogant supervisor(그는 적극적인 상관이야)
B : Yeah, It's like she's holding court when she handsout assignment at work(그래 맞아, 할 일 나누어 줄 때 보면 무슨 영왕 같이 위엄이 있어 보여)
hold down : keep in obedience, keep control of
A : How did you hold down the situation at work?(회사에서 어떻게 모든 상황을 극복했어?)
B : I threatened everyone with termination(모든 것을 그만둘거라고 위협했지)
hold down a job : keep a job
A : He's always getting fired(그는 항상 해고 당해)
B : Yeah, he can't seem to hold down a job(그래 한일에 몰두 하지 못하는 것 같아)
hold forth : offer, propose
A : What is your proposal?(당신의 제안은 무엇입니까?)
B : I hold forth that we cut our employees' wages(우리 직원들의 월급을 줄일 것을 제안 합니다)
hold forth : speak in public, talk about
A : Is he a good public speaker?(그는 공식적인 자리에서 말을 잘합니까?)
B : Yes, he hold forth very well(네, 그는 말을 잘합니다)
hold good : continue, endure, last
A : Will the new bridge last through the stormy winters?(그 새로 지은 다리가 기나긴 겨울을 잘 버틸까?)
B : Yes, it will hold good(어 버틸 수 있을거야)
hold off : delay, not begin
A : Should I begin the job today?(오늘 그 일 시작할까?)
B : No, please hold off until tomorrow(아니 내일까지만 기다려줘)
hold off : keep away by force
A : The enemy soldiers are over that hill, but we're holding them off(적군들이 저 언덕뒤에 있습니다. 그러나 우린 그들을 막고 있습니다.
B : Excellent. We'll wait for re-inforcements(좋아. 증원군들을 기다리자)
hold on : wait a minute, stop, wait and not hang up the phone
A : Ok let's go!(자 가자!)
B : No, wait. Hold on a moment. I'm not ready(아냐 기다려. 잠깐만 기다려. 준비 안?어)
hold one`s breath : stop breathing for a moment when one is excited or nervous
A : Do you think she'll meet me tonight?(오늘밤 그녀가 날 만나줄까?)
B : No, I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you(별루 기대하지 않는게 좋을거야)
hold one`s fire : keep back arguments or facts, keep from telling something
A : Sir, they're surrendering(저들이 항복 합니다!)
B : Ok. soldiers, hold your fire!(자 병사들. 사격 중지!)
hold one`s horses : stop and wait patiently
A : Should we continue?(계속 할까?)
B : No. Have some patience! hold your horses!(좀 침착해봐! 침착하게 좀 기다려 봐!)
hold one`s own (in an argument) : defend one`s position
A : He's good at debating. He defends his position well (그는 토론하는 것을 잘해. 그는 그의 입장을 굽히지 않아)
B : Yes, he can really hold his own(그래 그는 항상 그렇게 하지)
hold one`s peace : be silent and not speak against something, be still
A : Please do not argue with my brother when he arrives (내 동생 오면 말싸움 하지마)
B : Ok, I'll hold my peace(그래 아무말도 안할께)
hold one`s tongue : keep quiet
A : Please be quiet when my supervisor is speaking to me (좀 조용히좀 해 재 상관이 얘기 하잖아)
B : Ok, sorry. I'll hold my tongue(미안해. 조용히 가만히 있을께)
hold on to : continue to hold or keep, hold tightly
A : He's very old. He can't walk very fast anymore(그는 매우 늙었어. 그는 이제 빨리 걷지도 못해)
B : I've noticed. He's always holding on to that cane(그건 나도 알아. 그는 항상 저 지팡이를 가지고 다니지)
hold out : reach out, extend
A : I have a surprise for you. Hold out your hand(깜짝놀랄 선물이 있어. 손 내밀어봐)
B : Ok, what is it?(그래 뭐야?)
hold out for something : refuse to give up, keep resisting
A : Are you going to accept the job offer?(너 그 직장 다닐꺼니?)
B : No, I'm going to hold out for something better(아니, 더 좋은 직장이 생길 때까지 기다릴꺼야)
hold out on : refuse something to a person
A : She refuses to marry him until he finds a better job(그녀는 더 좋은 직장을 찾을 때까지 그와 결혼하지 않을꺼야)
B : Yeah she's really holding out on him(어, 그래 그녀는 그를 기다리게 만드는구나)
hold over : extend the engagement of, keep longer
A : When is the meeting? Has it been posphoned?(회의 몇시에 있어? 취소된거야?)
B : Yes, it's being held over until next week(그래, 다음주 까지 연기 됐어)
hold something back : keep information or something to or for oneself
A : I'm sorry. I just can't tell you the entire story(미안해, 그얘기 전부를 지금 해줄 수는 없어)
B : Why are you holding out on me?(왜 나한테 숨길려고해?)
hold still : not move
A : Ok, I have to give you an injection. Hold still (자 이제 당신에게 주사를 놓을꺼요. 가만히 있어요)
B : Ok. Doctor I won't move(알았어요, 의사님 움직이지 않을께요)
hold the fort : cope in an emergency, act as a temporary substitute
A : Who will take care of the house?(누가 집을 보지?)
B : I'll do it for you. I'll hold the fort(내가 봐줄께. 내가 비상 대비를 해줄께)
hold the line : not yield to pressure or something
A : I'm sorry to interrupt our phone call, but someone's at my front door(우리 전화통화 방해 하게 되서 미안하지만 누가 정문앞에 와있네요
B : That's ok, I'll hold the line until you answer it(괜찮아요. 기다리죠.)
hold the reins : be the most influential person
A : He's the man in charge of the entire operation(그는 총 책임자야)
B : Yes, he definitely hold the reins(그래 그는 가장 중요한 사람이네)
hold up : lift, raise
A : I have to get at the papers underneath the desk(책상 밑에 있는 서류들을 꺼내야해)
B : Ok, I'll hold it up while you get them(알았어 내가 들어줄께 꺼내)
hold up : support, carry
A : I'm too drunk to walk home(너무 취해서 걷기가 힘들다)
B : You'll make it. I'll hold you up(넌 할 수 있어. 내가 부축해줄께)
hold up : check, stop, delay
A : Ok. are you ready to go?(자 갈준비 다 됐어?)
B : No, hold up a moment while I get ready(준비할동안 잠시만 기다려)
hold up : rob at gunpoint
A : Ok, nobody move! This is a hold up! If nobody moves, nobody'll get hurt!(꼼짝마! 모두 손들어! 움직이지 않으면다치진 않을꺼야
B : Oh my! A bank rubbery!(맙소사! 은행 강도다!)
hold up : remain good, not get worse
A : How are you holding up(요새 어떻게 지내?)
B : Oh, I'm doing Ok. I'm keeping my spirits up(그냥 그럭저럭 잘 지내)
hold up : prove true
A : How did your new boat fare in the storm last night?(어제 밤에 폭풍있었는데 네 새로산 배 괜찮아?)
B : It was fine. I weathered the storm and proved true(괜찮요. 폭풍이 올줄 어느정도 알고 있었어)
hold water : be a sound idea
A : Do you think his idea is sound?(그의 아이디어 괜 찮은 것 같아?)
B : No, I don't think his idea holds any water at all(아니, 별루 쓸데 없는 아이디어 인 것 같아)
hole in the wall : a small place to live, stay in or work in; small hidden or inferior place
A : Where are you living these days?(요즘 어디 살아?)
B : In a small dirty apartment. It's a real hole in the wall(지저분한 작은 아파트에서 살아. 정말 작은데서 살고 있어)
holier-than-thou : acting as if one is better than others in goodness or character etc.
A : He is so arrogant. He thinks he's better than everyone else(그는 매우 적극적이야. 그가 최곤지 알아)
B : Yeah, he has a real holier-than-thou attitude(그래, 그는 자기가 항상 최곤지 알지)
holy cats : used to express strong feelings of astonishment, pleasure or anger
A : My house burned down... (내 집이 불타 버렸어)
B : Holy cats! I'm sorry to hear that(맙소사! 그거정말 안됐구나)
holy cow : used to express strong feelings of astonishment, pleasure or anger
A : The new bank dowtown was robbed again last night(시내에 그 새 은행이 또 털렸대)
B : Holy cow, that's fifth time in a month!(맙소사, 이달에 벌써 다섯번이야!)
holy mackeral : used to express strong feelings of astonishment, pleasure or anger
A : Someone stole my car and drove it off a cliff!
B : Holy mackeral! I can't believe that happened to you!
holy Moses : used to express strong feelings of astonishment, pleasure or anger
A : I got a hole-in-one yesterday on the golf course(골프 게임때 홀인 원을 했어)
B : Holy Moses! That's so rare!(맙소사! 그건 정말 보기 드문 일인데?)
holy terror : a very disobedient or unruly child
A : He's son doesn't listen to a word he says(그의 아들은 그의 아버지 말을 안들어)
B : Yeah, he's a real holy terror(그래, 그는 구제불능이야)
honeymoon is over : the first happy period of friendship and cooperation between two groups is over
A : After they got married, they began fighting frequently(그들이 결혼하고, 그들 둘의 싸움은 시작 된거였어)
B : Yes, I guess the honeymoon is over(그래, 이제 신혼에 젖어있을 때는 지났나보다)
honky-tonk : a cheap night-club or dance hall
A : That bar plays nothing but honkey-tonk music(저 빠는 항상 싸구려 나이트에서 틀어주는 음악만 틀어줘)
B : I don't like country or honkey music. I prefer rock. Let's go some other place(나는 컨추리 음악은 정말 싫어, 나는 록을 좋아해. 다른대로 가자)
hook, line and sinker : without question or doubt, completely
A : Well, he believed every word of the story(그는 그 이야기 전부다 믿었어)
B : Yes, he bought it --hook, line and sinker!(그래 다 믿더라, 아무런 의문 없이)
hook up : connect or fit together
A : When should we meet again?(언제 또 만날까?)
B : Let's hook up on the weekend(주말에 만나자)
hook-up : a connection
A : When are you getting cable for your new T.V(캐이블 언제 달꺼야?)
B : I'm getting it hooked up tomorrow(내일 달거야)
hope against hope : continue to hope when things look very bad
A : How are you going to keep your spirits up when your situation gets worse?(상황이 안좋아지면 어떻게 버틸꺼야?)
B : Hope against hope(좋은 날이 올 때까지 기다릴 수밖에 없지뭐)
hop to it : get started, start a job, get going
A : Should we get started on the assignment now?(숙제 이제 시작 할까?)
B : Yes, hop to it!(그래 시작 하자!)
hopped up : high on a drug or on alcohol
A : Wow! you really drunk last night(와! 어제 정말 술 많이 취해 있던데?)
B : Yeah, I was really hopped up(그래 좀 많이 취했었나봐)
horn in on : come in without an invitation or welcome, interfere
A : He always stops by our house without invitation(그 사람은 우리 집에 아무때나 막 방문해)
B : Yes, he's always horning in on me too(그래, 우리집에두 자주와 말한마디두 안하구)
horse around : play around, join in rough teasing
A : Will you guys please stop horsing around?(장난 좀 그만 칠래?)
B : Sorry. Yes teacher, we'll try to behave ourselves(미안해요 선생님, 장난 안치도록 할께요)
horse of a different color : something altogether separate and different
A : Do you think that teaching English is the same as teaching Korean?(영어 가르치는거 하구 한국어 가르치는거랑 같아?)
B : No, I think they are horses of a different colour(아니 전혀 다른거라고 생각해)
horse sense : good judgement, wisdom in making decisions
A : He really has good judgement(그의 판단력은 대단해)
B : Yes, he has a real horse sense about things(그래, 그의 판단력은 대단해)
horse trade : business agreement arrived at after hard negotiations
A : So you finally reached a deal after all those difficult negotiations?(그 복잡한 협의 끝에 결론이 나온거야?)
B : Yeah, It's a real horse trade we've created(그래, 우리가 협의 내리는건 정말로 힘든 일이었어)
hot air : nonsense, exaggerated talk
A : He's always lying and telling stories(그는 항상 거짓말 하고 말도 안되는 얘기만해)
B : Yeah, that guy's full of hot air(그래 그 사람은 뻥이 심해)
hot and bothered : excited and worried, displeased
A : That man seems very worried about something(저 사람 걱정 거리가 많아 보여)
B : Yes, I wonder why he's so hot and bothered?(저 사람 뭐가 저렇게 괴롭히는지 모르겠어)
a hot potato : a situation likely to cause trouble to the person handling it
A : The president is avoiding talking about health care(대통령은 그의 건강에대해 무관심해 하는 것 같습니다)
B : That's because that issue upsets people ; It's a real hot potatoe(그런 소식은 사람들을 우울하게 만들기 때문이야; 안좋은 소식이거든 사람들에게)
hot rod : an automobile changed so that it can go very fast
A : I fixed my car up. Now it can go extremely fast(내 차 고쳤어. 이제 정말 빨리 갈 수 있어)
B : Yes, It's a real hot rod now(그래, 이제 정말 빨리 가겠네)
hot water : trouble
A : So you're in trouble with your boss again?(사장님하구 또 트러블이 생겼다구?)
B : Yes, I'm in hot water at work(어, 직장에서 정말 트러블이 생겼어)
house of cards : something badly put together and easily knocked down, a poorly founded plan/action
A : That company is extremely at vulnerable. They may go bankrupt(저 회사는 눈에 너무 잘띄어. 그래서 파산 할지도 몰라)
B : Yes, it's a real house of cards they're running over there(그래 저들이 운영하는 저 은행은 정말 허술해)
how about : will you have something or will you agree to something
A : Will you go to the bar tonight?(오늘 빠에 갈꺼야?)
B : I don't think so. How about you?(안갈꺼야. 넌 갈꺼야?)
how come : why
A : How come you left so early last night?(어젯 밤에 왜 이렇게 일찍 갔어?)
B : I was tired and wanted to go home(그냥 피곤해서 일찍 갔어)
what's that : what did you say
A : Did you go to the zoo last night?(어젯밤에 동물원에 갔었어?)
B : What's that? Sorry I can't hear you(뭐라구? 미안한데 잘안들려)
hue and cry : an excited protest or alarm or outcry
A : Can you hear the hues and cries coming from outside?(밖에서 저 떠드는 소리 들려?)
B : Yes, I wonder what the matter is (도데체 뭐가 문제지?)
hush-hush : something kept secret or hidden, concealed
A : Please keep our agument confidential(우리 토론은 비밀로 붙입시다)
B : Don't worry. I'll . I'll keep it a secret . Hush-hush(걱정마세요. 비밀로 하죠. 쉿!)
hush up : keep news of something from getting out, prevent people from knowing about something
A : Please hush-up! the boss is right there(조용히좀 해! 사장님 바로 여기에 있잖아)
B : Sorry, I didn't see him(미안, 못봤어)
hyped-up : have an excess of energy, be excited
A : That kid is so energetic today(저 애는 굉장히 힘이 넘쳐보여)
B : Yes, I wonder why he's so hyped-up?(그래 무슨일로 저렇게 기분 좋아하지?)
'Don''t give up' 카테고리의 다른 글
[스크랩] 중요숙어정리 J (0) | 2007.11.30 |
[스크랩] 중요숙어정리 I (0) | 2007.11.30 |
[스크랩] 중요숙어정리 G (0) | 2007.11.30 |
[스크랩] 중요숙어정리 F (0) | 2007.11.30 |
[스크랩] 중요숙어정리 E (0) | 2007.11.30 |