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Don''t give up

[스크랩] 중요숙어정리 K kangaroo court : a self-appointed group that decides how to punish someone who is supposed to have done something wrong A. He lied to them(그는 그들 한테 거짓말 했어) B. Don't worry the kangaroo court will handle him(걱정마 사적 재판이 해결 할꺼야) Katie bar the door : get ready for trouble, a desperate situation is at hand A. A bad storm's coming. Katie bar the door!(.. 더보기
[스크랩] 중요숙어정리 J jack-of-all-trades : a person who can do many things(많은 것을 잘하는 사람, 다재다능한 사람) A. He is good at everything.(그는 모든 것에 뛰어나) B. Yes, he's a jack of all trades.(응, 그는 만능이야) jack up : raise prices(가격을 올리다) A. I don't eat at that restaurant anymore.(난 저 식당에 더 이상 안가) B. Me neither, since they jacked up the pr.. 더보기
[스크랩] 중요숙어정리 I idiot box : television set(바보 상자) A. Did you watch T.V. last night? (어젯밤 TV 봤어?) B. Yeah, I sat in front of the idiot box all night.(밤새 바보상자앞에 앉아있었어) if the shoe fits, wear it : if what is being said in general describes you then it probably means you(그말이 옳다고 생각하면 받아들여라) A. She called me a lazy slob. Well, I guess it's ki.. 더보기
[스크랩] 중요숙어정리 H had better : should do something A : You had better do something about those mice(저 쥐들 어떻게 좀 해봐) B : Ok, I'll call on exterminator(알았어, 건물 해충 구제업자에게 전화해봐) hair stand on end : become frightened or afraid of something A : Did you see that horror movie?(그 공보 영화 봤어?) B : Yes, it made my hair stand on end(어 봤어, 정말 무섭더.. 더보기
[스크랩] 중요숙어정리 G gain ground : go forward, make progress A : Have you finished editing the book yet?(책 편집 다 끝났어?) B : No, it's hard, but I'm gaining ground.(아니 좀 힘드네, 그렇지만 차차 좋아지고 있어) gang up on someone : attack in a group, get together to hurt someone. A : Those bullies are always bothering the new student.(자 블량배들이 신입생들을 항상 괴롭혀) .. 더보기
[스크랩] 중요숙어정리 F face down : confront boldly and win, defy A : I can't believe you scared that bully away.(야 네가 그 못된애 따돌린게 지금도 믿어지지 않는다) B : I'm a big guy. I just faced him down(난 다 컸어. 난 용감하게 맞서서 이겼지) face the music : accept the consequences of something A : Today's the big day. Tomorrow you'll be a married man(오늘은 정말 대단한 .. 더보기
[스크랩] 중요숙어정리 E each and every : every (used for emphasis) A : We would like to thank you for helping our course.(우리 수업을 도와 주신 것에 대해 깊이 감사 드립니다) B : We would like to thank each and every one of you.(여러분 모두에게 감사 드려요) eager beaver : person who is always eager to work or do extra work A : Scott is always early for work.(스콧은 항상 일찍 출.. 더보기
[스크랩] 중요숙어정리 D dance to a different tune :talk or act differently (usually better) because things have changed (다른 음에 춤을 추다. 상황이 바뀌었기 때문에 (주로 더 낫게) 다르게 말하거나 행동한다. A : That man sure acts strange. What's worng with him?(저 남자 정말 이상하게 행동해. 뭐가 문제야?) B : I don't know. I guess he dances to a different tune.(모르.. 더보기