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Don''t give up

[스크랩] 영어회화 듣기(자동암기)


[자동암기1] I'm throwing a big bash for my girlf.. [5]

[자동암기79] I would die for a cause.

[자동암기2] I blew the test.

[자동암기80] Will you stop grousing?

[자동암기3] Sir, can I record your lectures?

[자동암기81] She is in a bad mood.

[자동암기4] What was the most embarrassing momen..

[자동암기82] Let's get to know each other.

[자동암기5] When angry, count to a hundred.

[자동암기83] Can you wrap this up, please?

[자동암기6] My baby wet the bed.

[자동암기84] You're very good at this.

[자동암기7] Your battery is dead.

[자동암기85] Mince it

[자동암기8] He was wet to the skin.

[자동암기86] Mark is accident-prone.

[자동암기9] Ambition makes people diligent.

[자동암기87] I think I'll pass.

[자동암기10] How much do you weigh?

[자동암기88] We're going out of business.

[자동암기11] Ease off on that leadfoot.

[자동암기89] For here or to go?

[자동암기12] Susan is six feet tall

[자동암기90] It might leave a scar.

[자동암기13] When it rains, it pours.

[자동암기91] My computer isn't booting up!

[자동암기14] John is an Englishman right down to ..

[자동암기92] Give me a break, will you?

[자동암기15] Who is winning?

[자동암기93] Math really turns me off.

[자동암기16] Far from the eye, far from the heart.

[자동암기94] It looks gross!

[자동암기17] We'll adjourn the conference.

[자동암기95] Get lost!

[자동암기18] Let's get wasted.

[자동암기96] Does your car have manual transmis..

[자동암기19] It's your choice.

[자동암기97] Did you put antifreeze in the car?

[자동암기20] I don’t have any other choice

[자동암기98] Get out of here!

[자동암기21] Back off!

[자동암기99] My mom got bent out of shape.

[자동암기22] I've tried that already.

[자동암기100] What’s eating you?

[자동암기23] Give it up, John.

[자동암기101] I'm blank!

[자동암기24] Why do you keep on insisting?

[자동암기102] I blew the interview.

[자동암기25] I was one of them.

[자동암기103] It's worth it.

[자동암기26] Give him a chance.

[자동암기104] Welcome aboard

[자동암기27] I've got bigger fish to fry.

[자동암기105] Which bus goes to Namdaemun?

[자동암기28] I'm scared to death.

[자동암기106] Finders keepers.

[자동암기29] Freeze!

[자동암기107] A barf bag, please!

[자동암기30] You have a high temperature

[자동암기108] That sounds like a match made in he..

[자동암기31] Visiting hours are over

[자동암기109] Where do I transfer?

[자동암기32] My shirt shrank

[자동암기110] He’s my old buddy.

[자동암기33] Can I have a refund?

[자동암기111] Tina stood me up last night.

[자동암기34] My pants are too loose

[자동암기112] I think you are building a castle i..

[자동암기35] The sink is backed up

[자동암기113] She is after your money.

[자동암기36] I'm looking for a studio apartment

[자동암기114] Every dog has his day

[자동암기37] Don't cross in the middle of the str..

[자동암기115] Can I have some more booze?

[자동암기38] Take one pill every six hours

[자동암기116] I have a shooting pain in my back.

[자동암기39] I have a rash on my neck

[자동암기117] Sorry, I was preoccupied!

[자동암기40] I can't believe my eyes.

[자동암기118] Will you stop bitching?

[자동암기41] I'm sorry about your grandmother's d..

[자동암기119] Hey, go for it!

[자동암기42] Can I pay for this on a monthly inst..

[자동암기120] John is a real barf-out!

[자동암기43] Creativity is the key to success.

[자동암기121] Habit is second nature.

[자동암기44] She's my foster mother.

[자동암기122] Get off my case.

[자동암기45] My mom's hassling me to get a job.

[자동암기123] Wow, soju has a real bang.

[자동암기46] What's your impression?

[자동암기124] Let's keep the ball rolling.

[자동암기47] Do you have medicine for a sore thro..

[자동암기125] You are too fickle.

[자동암기48] Don't be ridiculous.

[자동암기126] A rolling stone gathers no moss.

[자동암기49] You have an ear infection.

[자동암기127] She is wishy-washy.

[자동암기50] I twisted my ankle.

[자동암기128] He went ballistic.

[자동암기51] Pork is cheaper at K-Mart.

[자동암기129] You're such an airhead!

[자동암기52] It's for you.

[자동암기130] The proof of the pudding is in the ..

[자동암기53] Will you run in this coming election?

[자동암기131] They're shaping up.

[자동암기54] What are the negative effects of agi..

[자동암기132] I've heard a lot about you.

[자동암기55] His grandfather passed down the secr..

[자동암기133] What kinds of items are prohibited ..

[자동암기56] What kind of warranty does it carry?

[자동암기134] I'm behind in my work.

[자동암기57] What kind of costume is that?

[자동암기135] Check the first drawer of my desk.

[자동암기58] I think the bulb burned out.

[자동암기136] I have a prior engagement.

[자동암기59] Stop teasing the animals.

[자동암기137] This weekend will be very busy for everyone...

[자동암기60] You have great patience.

[자동암기138] Did you bring it today?

[자동암기61] Stop eating junk food.

[자동암기139] The spirit is willing, but the fles..

[자동암기62] It's your taste.

[자동암기140] Just let your hair down.

[자동암기63] Isn't it overripe?

[자동암기141] A fire broke out.

[자동암기64] Tomorrow's really jam-packed.

[자동암기142] Give me a ring tomorrow.

[자동암기65] Do you carry blenders?

[자동암기143] The game ended in a tie.

[자동암기66] Will you put yourself in my place?

[자동암기144] I've got tons of work.

[자동암기67] You'd better not mess with me, okay?

[자동암기145] Beggars can't be choosers.

[자동암기68] Mr.White is expecting you.

[자동암기146] You've got to stand tall.

[자동암기69] Jane doesn't hold grudges.

[자동암기147] My hands are tied.

[자동암기70] It's a perfect fit.

[자동암기148] Better be the head of a dog than th..

[자동암기71] What nerve!

[자동암기149] Where is the nearest service stati..

[자동암기72] My son is hyperactive.

[자동암기150] Have you checked transmission fluid..

[자동암기73] I got them at a rummage sale.

[자동암기151] I caught him red handed.

[자동암기74] No, joke?

[자동암기152] He was tongue-tied

[자동암기75] They ran neck and neck

[자동암기153] Blood is thicker than water

[자동암기76] I can't help it.

[자동암기154] Read my lips? [1]

[자동암기77] Hey, give me a break.

[자동암기155]No pain, no gain.

[자동암기78] How dare you!

[자동암기156] No coffee for me, it keeps me awake.


출처 : 낙송의 집
글쓴이 : 나그네 원글보기
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