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Don''t give up

[스크랩] 왕초보 필수 단어 97





be tired of 

 싫증이 나다

 be bored, be sick of


 I'm tired of my life.


be tired from (or with) 


 become tired


 I'm tired from working all day.


be tired out 

 매우 지치다

 be very tired, be exhausted


 He looked completely tired out after the race.


to and fro 


backwards and forwards 


 We walked in the city to and fro.


to no end 


 in vain


He tried to obtain it, but to no end. 


 to say nothing of

~은 말할 것도 없이 

 not to mention


 He speaks French, to say nothing of English.


 to the effect that

~이라는 취지로 

meaning that 


 Father sent me a telegram to the effect that mother was ill.



to the letter


충실히, 글자 그대로 

 faithfully, literally


 You must carry out the instructions to the letter.


 to the point

 적절한, 요령 있는

 relevant, to the purpose


 His speech was short and to the point.



 touch off



cause to start 


The arrest of the men's leader touched off a riot.



첨부파일 20090722.mp3



출처 : 전화영어로 원어민 영어회화
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