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Don''t give up

[스크랩] 왕초보 필수 단어 89





 quite a few

 적지 않은, 많은



 Quite a few students were absent yesterday.


 only a few

 매우 적은

 very few


 Only a few of them were admitted to college.


rain cats and dogs 

억수같이 비가 쏟아지다 

rain heavily 


 It was raining cats and dogs when we were about to start.


 reach out


 stretch out


 He reached out his hand for the book.


 read between the lines

 언외(言外)의 뜻을 읽다


look for meaning not actually expressed



 This book requires you to read between the lines.


(be) read in 

 ~에 정통한

 be versed in


 He is deeply read in English literature.


 read through


 read from beginning to end


 I have read this book through once.



 be ready to + 동사



~하려고 하다, 기꺼이 ~하다,

~하기 쉽다.



be about to, be willing to,

be apt to



The ship was ready to sink at any time. I am ready to help you.

He is ready to promise. 


 be ready for + 명사

~할 준비가 되어 있다,

~할 각오가 되어있다. 

 be prepared for


 Everything is ready for working.



 recall to one's mind



 recall to one's memory


I cannot recall to my mind the author.



첨부파일 20090714.mp3



출처 : 전화영어로 원어민 영어회화
글쓴이 : 젊은 오빠 원글보기
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