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Don''t give up

[스크랩] 왕초보 필수 단어 83






 occur to

마음에 갑자기 떠오르다 

 strike one's mind


 It occurred to me that he might be a detective.


(all) of a sudden 


 suddenly, on a sudden


 All of a sudden it began to thunder.


 of late




 We have had little rain of late.


 of moment




 It is a question of great moment.


of no account 

중요하지 않은 

unimportant, useless 


 Time is of no account with great thoughts.


 on no account

 결코 ~ 아닌

in no case, for no reason 


 You must on no account yield to any temptation.


 of one's own accord

자발적으로, 저절로 

 by one's own wish, of itself


 I did it of my own accord. The door shut of its own accord.



off and on


 간간이, 때때로

irregularly, occasionally 

 It rained off and on. 

off duty 


not engaged in one's regular work 


 He is off duty.



 on duty



engaged in one's regular work 


He is on duty.


첨부파일 20090708.mp3




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