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Don''t give up

[스크랩] 왕초보 필수 단어 76





 look into




 The police are looking into the past record of the man.


look on  

 방관하다, 간주하다.

 be a spectator, regard


 Why don't you play football instead of just looking on?


look out 


be careful 


 Look out for pickpockets.


 look over

검사하다, 눈감아 주다. 

 examine, pardon


 I looked over the goods one by one.


look to 

~에 주의하다. 

pay attention to 


 Look to it that this does not happen again.


look to A for B 

 A에게 B를 바라다.

depend upon A for B 


 They are looking to others for assistance.


look up 

(사전에서) ~ 을 찾아 보다. 

search for ~ in a dictionary 


 Every student should look up all new words in his dictionary each day.



look up to





 Our director is a man whom everybody looks up to.


lose heart 


become discouraged 



Don't lose heart at the want of instant success.



lose no time in ~ing 


곧 ~ 하다 

do without any hesitation 


They lost no time in running after him.



첨부파일 20090701.mp3



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글쓴이 : 젊은 오빠 원글보기
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