Is that so? 그렇습니까?
Is that so? I didn't think he was that smart.
cheer up 위로하다
Let me go and cheer her up with some flowers.
put on weight 살찌다
I've been putting on too much weight these days.
tear down 부수다
It tore it down a few years ago.
take into account 고려하다
I totally forgot to take it into account.
save one's breath 말하나 마나
Save your breath!
all ears 열심히 듣는
I'm all ears!
drop out of 도중에 그만두다
He had to drop out of it because of a broken shoelace.
no sweat 문제없다 / 쉽다
It'll be no sweat!
hit the ceiling 화나다
He hit the ceiling after he sees his grade.
hit the spot 시원하게 하다
That would really hit the spot right now.
eat out 외식하다
That was the first time we had eaten out in three months.
on the blink 고장난
It's on the blink.
come in handy 유용한
It could come in handy if you ever become a diplomat.
That will be the day 그런 일은 없을 거야
That'll be the day.
the more the merrier 다다익선
The more the merrier.
not one's cup of tea 좋아하는 일이 아니다
Dangerous sports like that are not my cup of tea.
on the side 부업으로
I've got a few other small jobs on the side.
around the corner 임박한
Christmas is just around the corner.
mess up 망쳐놓다
That really messes up our plans for a picnic today.
scratch the surface 수박 겉핥기
I barely scratched the surface.
spill the beans 비밀을 누설하다
Be careful not to spill the beans and let him know.
tell on 야단치다
I really told him on and insisted he apologize.
cut short 단축하다
The boss cut it short because of a luncheon appointment.
throw cold water on 찬물을 끼얹다
They threw cold water on it by starting a big argument.
make one feel at home 편하게 해주다
She always tries to make her guests feel right at home.
in a jiffy 곧
I'll be back in a jiffy.
shake a leg 서두르다
Shake a leg and finish getting dressed.
see to it ( that s + v ) -하도록 하다
Please see to it that all my plants are watered regularly.
take with a grain of salt 액면 그대로 믿지 않다
I always take everything she says with a grain of salt.
stay put 자리에 있다
Stay put because I have a lot more typing for you to do.
give one a ring 전화하다
Let's give her a ring and tell her how much we miss her.
stick together 함께있다
I'll stick together with the group this time.
hit the hay 잠자다
Let's hit the hay.
much less 커녕, 말할것도 없이
I can hardly understand arithmetic much less algebra.
or so 그정도 쯤
Maybe in a week or so.
by all means 어서 하세요
By all means.
break out 발생하다
It broke out in 1950.
come to think of it 생각해 보니까
Come to think of it I haven't gotten a letter from her.
in the long run 궁극적으로
In the long run knowing them will be very useful.
cross one's mind 생각이 떠오르다
The thought has never even crossed my mind.
in season 한창인
I think they're in season now.
in a fog 오리무중인
She's always in a fog whenever she drives.
that is to say 바꿔 말하면
He's an atheist, that is to say, he doesn't believe in god.
give away 거져주다
Unfortunately I can't even give them away.
boil down to 요약해서 말하다
They all boil down to this-the economy will soon collapse.
keep one's chin up 용기를 잃지 않다
Keep your chin up because I'm sure he'll come back soon.
have a way with 잘 다루다
He really has a way with animals, especially dogs.
in the same boat 입장이 같은
I'm in the same boat.
I'll tell you what 좋은 수가 있다
I'll tell you what, if you leave me a big tip I'll let you in.
think out loud 혼잣말을 하다
I guess I was just thinking out loud.
screw up 엉망으로 만들다
Unless the party screws up the economy before then.
get together 모이다
Let's get together next Saturday night.
in any event 어쨌든
In any event I'll try to help you find someone else.
at a loss 당황한
He's never at a loss for persuasive words.
jump the gun 지레 짐작하다
Just thinking such a thought is really jumping the gun.
no matter what 무엇이라 해도
No matter what comes from his mouth I'm sure it's a lie.
put off 연기하다
They decided to put off the wedding until he finds a job.
snap out of it 꿈 깨다
I wish he'd snap out of it and realize he has no talent.
go with 사귀다
She's now going with someone else.
make fun of 놀리다
He was making fun of my son who's a little overweight.
in luck 운이 좋은
You're in luck. I've got a whole bottle of them.
put up with 참다
I'm getting tired of putting up with his shallow ideas.
every now and then 자주
My wife lets me go every now and then.
a drag 따분한 것
It was a real drag!
hit upon 우연히 생각나다
The inventor hit upon the idea while he was taking a bath.
spell out 자세히 설명하다
He's so dumb I had to almost spell it out for him.
worked up 흥분한
He's all worked up because Sam took his book.
all but 거의
She all but fainted when she heard the news.
end up -로 끝나다
I don't want her to end up an old maid.
give one the go-ahead 승낙하다
We're still waiting for City Hall to give us the go-ahead.
show off 과시하다
He was showing off in front of a girl.
It's about time- -할 때가 됐다
It's about time you came! I have to reheat the food
touch upon 언급하다
It was for only one semester we could only touch upon it.
beat around the bush 겉만 돌다
Don't beat around the bush. Tell me everything.
one at a time 한번에 하나씩
This time I want to meet them one at a time.
sound fish 의심스럽다
It sounds a little fishy to me.
go without a hitch 순조롭게 진행되다
They went without a hitch.
do one a favor 부탁을 들어주다
Could you do me a favor?
hold good 지속하다
It will hold good less than three more weeks.
shut down 휴업하다
My factory was shut down temporarily for repairs.
get to the point 요점을 말하다
He didn't seem to ever get to the point.
have what it takes to -할 능력과 자질이 있다
He doesn't have what it takes to run a major company.
stick something out 끝까지 참다
I'll stick it out until I can find a better one.
dying to -하고 싶다
I'm really dying to-she's so beautiful and intelligent!
hand down to 물려주다
It was actually handed down to me by my great-grandfather.
jot down 적어두다
I have it jotted down right here.
ahead of time 미리
I want to get there a little ahead of time.
absent-minded 건망증이 심한
I guessed it because he is always so absent-minded.
not have anything to do with 아무 관계가 없다
I don't want her to have anything to do with him.
in the nick of time 아슬아슬한 순간에
Just in the nick of time, I found my token.
just the same 그럼에도 불구하고
Just the same I wish you'd ask somebody esle fisrt.
word for word 한자 한자 정확히
I memorized the poem word for word.
out of stock 재고가 없는
I'm afraid they're out of stock right now.
stick up for 변호하다
I've got to stick up for him.
more often than not 비교적 자주
He forgot to do it more often than not.
a change of pace 기분전환
I could use a change of pace right now.
make the best of 최대한 잘 이용하다
I'm trying to hard to make the best of a terrible situation.
wear off 없어지다
They'll wear off within an hour or so.
by far 훨씬
They have the best team by far.
get away from --을 벗어나 휴가 가다
We're going to Maine to get away from here.
a drawback 약점
It does have one drawback.
take one's time 천천히 하다
Just take your time putting on your makeup.
take a chance 모험을 하다
I don't want to take a chance and get a stomachache.
stand one up 바람맞히다
The guy stood me up!
take advantage of 이용하다
Stop taking advantage of our rich relatives, okay?
play it by ear 임기응변으로 대처하다
Just try to play it by ear and don't worry about it.
'Don''t give up' 카테고리의 다른 글
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