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Don''t give up

[스크랩] 왕초보 필수 단어 71





in token of 

 ~의 증거로, ~의 표시로

 as evidence of


 I sent him a present in token of gratitude.


 in truth

 정말, 참으로

 in fact, really


 In truth, one can make time for what one chooses to do.


in turn 


 in succession


 Each one told his story in turn.


in vain 


 without the desired result


 He tried it, but in vain.


 in view of


~의 견지에서, ~이 보이는 곳에



considering, in the range of vision


In view of these facts he is wrong. 


 in (by) virtue of

 ~의 힘으로

 by means of, because of


 they won the day, but only in virtue of hard fighting.


in want of 

 ~이 필요하여

 in need of


 We are in want of a maid.



 inquire into





 We inquired into the affair.


inquire after 

 안부를 묻다

 ask about one's health


 I inquired after a sick friend.



 inquire of





I inquired of him if he would come.



첨부파일 20090626.mp3


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