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Don''t give up

[스크랩] 왕초보 필수 단어 73





keep up with 

 ~에 뒤떨어지지 않다.

keep abreast with or to 


 You walk so fast that I cannot keep up with you.


 know better than to

~하리만큼 바보는 아니다. 

be not so foolish as to 


 He knows better than to do such a thing.


 know ~ from


tell ~ from, distinguish ~ from 


 I don't know a hawk from an eagle. It is hard to know flatterers from friends.


 lacking in

~이 부족한 

wanting in 


 There is something lacking in his character.


 later on

후에, 나중에 



 I will see you later on.



lay aside




save for future needs, lay by



 He is laying aside money for his old age.


 lay claim to

~에 대한 권리를 주장하다. 

 demand as one's due


 Both of them lay claim to the property.



lay down



버리다, 계획하다.


give up, make plans 


 He is ready to lay down life itself for their sake.


 lay out

돈을 쓰다, 설계하다. 

spend money, make plans 


 I am prepared to lay out $3,000on your training.



lay up 



lay by, lay aside 


We should lay up against a rainy day.



첨부파일 20090628.mp3

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