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[스크랩] 왕초보 필수 단어 94 숙어 의미 동의어 예문 take advantage of something 이용하다 utilize it I take advantage of all the opportunities that come to me. take advantage of somebody 속이다 deceive him John took advantage of her. take after ~을 닮다 resemble He takes after his mother. take by surprise 놀라게 하다, 기습하다 surprise His offer took me completely by surprise. take care of 돌.. 더보기
[스크랩] 왕초보 필수 단어 95 숙어 의미 동의어 예문 take into account ~을 고려하다 take into consideration This fact must be taken into account. take off 이륙하다 leave the ground and rise into the air The plane took off from Kimpo airport at 10 a. m. take on (성격을) 띠다, 고용하다 assume, engage The chameleon can take on the colours of its background. take one's time 서두르지 않다 not to.. 더보기
[스크랩] 왕초보 필수 단어 96 숙어 의미 동의어 예문 take up (일, 연구 등)에 종사하다 study, begin a course leading to a career. What are you taking up at the university? tell A from B A와 B를 구별하다 distinguish A from B How can you tell an Englishman from an American? tell on ~에 영향을 미치다 have a marked effect on The hard work began to tell on him. ten to one 십중팔구, 아마 very .. 더보기
[스크랩] 왕초보 필수 단어 97 숙어 의미 동의어 예문 be tired of 싫증이 나다 be bored, be sick of I'm tired of my life. be tired from (or with) 피곤해지다 become tired I'm tired from working all day. be tired out 매우 지치다 be very tired, be exhausted He looked completely tired out after the race. to and fro 앞뒤로 backwards and forwards We walked in the city to and fro. to no end 헛되이 in vai.. 더보기
[스크랩] 왕초보 필수 단어 98 숙어 의미 동의어 예문 try on 시험해 보다, 입어 보다 test before buying He tried on several suits and finally picked out this one. be true to ~에 충실하다 be faithful to The translation is true to the original. be true of ~에 적용하다 apply to It is true of everybody else. turn down 거절하다 reject He turned down my offer. turn off 끄다 stop the flow She tur.. 더보기
[스크랩] 왕초보 필수 단어 99 숙어 의미 동의어 예문 wait on 시중들다 serve She waited on me in the restaurant. walk out 동맹 파업하다 go on strike Railroad workers are walking out. wanting in ~이 부족한 lacking in He is wanting in common sense. wear out 닳아 버리다, 지쳐 버리다. become useless, become exhausted My shoes are worn out. well off 유복한 rich, well-to-do He is well off now. .. 더보기
[스크랩] 왕초보 필수 단어 100 ① 001~022 001 complete a 완전한, 전부의 v 완성하다(=accomplish) 012 moment n 순간, 중요성 [momentary 순간적인/momentous] 002 notice n 주의, 주목/통지 v ~을 알아채다 013 product n 생산품, 결과 [produce 생산하다] 003 common a 공통의, 일반의, 보통의(=normal, ordinary) 014 figure n 숫자/ 모습, 형태/ 인물, 거물 004 surface n 표면, 외양 .. 더보기
2009.11.8 로테르담 유로마스트와 큐브하우스 더보기